
Crategus: homeopathic remedy for the cardiovascular system

Crategus is a homeopathic remedy produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Medicines VALA-R. It is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as arrhythmia, hypertension, ischemia and others.

The main active ingredient of Crategus is hawthorn smoothens, which is also known as red hawthorn. Hawthorn is widely used in traditional medicine to treat heart disease as it helps strengthen the heart muscle, lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Crategus is available in the form of granules and lozenges. For the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to take it under the supervision of a physician. The dosage and duration of administration depend on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Crategus is a homeopathic remedy, which means that its action is based on the principle of “like cures like.” This means that Crategus contains microscopic doses of hawthorn smoothens, which, according to homeopaths, stimulates the body to heal itself and heal.

Despite the fact that homeopathy is not recognized by official medicine, many patients report positive effects from taking Crategus. However, as with any medicine, you should consult your doctor before starting to take Crategus.

Overall, Crategus is one of many homeopathic remedies that can help treat cardiovascular diseases. Although its effect has not been scientifically proven, many patients report its effectiveness. However, before you start taking Crategus, you should consult your doctor and remember that homeopathic remedies do not replace the main treatment, but can be a good addition to it.