Cream Repellent

Repellent cream

Country of origin: Russia
Pharmaceutical group: Insecticides and repellents
Manufacturers: Modum (Russia)
International name: Repellent cream
Synonyms: Repellent cream for children

Repellent cream is used to protect the skin from insect bites. It contains active substances that repel mosquitoes, midges, ticks and other blood-sucking insects.

The repellent cream is produced in Russia by the Modum company. It is safe for use by children and adults. Apply to exposed skin before going outside. Acts for several hours, protecting the skin from bites.

The repellent cream is easy to use and does not leave greasy marks on the skin. Well suited for protecting the whole family during outdoor recreation, dachas, and picnics. Helps avoid insect bites and allergic reactions to them.

Repellent cream
Country of origin: Russia
Pharmaceutical group: Skin care products

Manufacturers: Orlenga/Modum (Russia)
International name: Skin cream
Synonyms: Adaptive, Aqua-D, Aqua-D+, Akerat, Anti-Dessesman, Anti-Rouger, Apezans, Arkeskin, Artrolex with "Aqua-propolis", Atoderm, Atoderm RR, Aera Tone, Aera Tone cream-powder, Ballet, Baby Bonaro protective cream, Bio-cream, Vitalifting, Vitaskin cream, Vitaskin cream-gel, etc.

Repellent cream belongs to cosmetic skin care products. Produced in Russia by Orlenga and Modum companies.

This is a moisturizing and nourishing cream for daily use. Suitable for all skin types, absorbs quickly without leaving an oily sheen. Contains natural ingredients that soften and soothe the skin, making it smooth and elastic.

The cream can be used for the face and body. It helps prevent dryness and flaking of the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Regular use improves the condition and appearance of the skin, giving it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.