Crisis Cerebral Secondary

Secondary cerebral crisis (s. cerebralis secundaria; synonym visceral-cerebral crisis) is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation that develops as a complication of cardiac or pulmonary failure, severe infectious or toxic damage to the liver, kidneys and other organs.

The cause of secondary cerebral crisis is a sharp decrease in perfusion pressure due to acute cardiac or respiratory failure, which leads to cerebral ischemia. Clinically manifested by acute impairment of consciousness, agitation or depression of the central nervous system.

Diagnosis is based on identifying the primary disease that led to cerebral crisis. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of decreased cerebral blood flow and restoring the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Cerebrospinal crisis is a condition that occurs in a person when his brain is unable to process information correctly, which can lead to various problems such as dizziness, headache, loss of consciousness, weakness, etc. The causes of cerebrocelecular cresus can be very diverse - from poor diet, physical fatigue or stress to circulatory problems or infections. If you observe signs of a cerebromascular crisis, you should not ignore this situation, since if it is neglected, it can develop into a more serious disease.

Secondary cerebroviso-ragienetic crisis: “KrH32 B— [Krizoftalis s. cerebralisnterictalis, sig. krisoicreticus], corresponds to the development of congestion in the meninges and medulla due to disease of the internal organs (for example, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension, etc. ), often developing in patients with rheumatism many years after suffering from rheumatic carditis. This explains the older name of this type of ceridoemic syndrome - visceral-xelotic ceridoencephalomagic crisis. However, this name is inaccurate, since along with the phenomena of damage to the meninges, the brain is also involved in the pathological process vessels, white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. Instead of the term: “visceral keridencephalomyelitis crisis”, which has a narrower meaning, N. K. Bogolepov proposed a more correct name: cericoencephalosarculohyperton keridoeencephalomyelitis crisis, and then “secondary keridoencephalic crisis” or “ceridoencephalic crisis of secondary kind of." However, with further in-depth study of metabolic processes in the brain, the results of which were obtained in the Department of Vascular Pathology of the Nervous System of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of the outstanding neuropathologist V.N. Shatkov, it turned out that in the occurrence of cerebrovascular disorders, a large role belongs to direct toxic damage to the nervous system itself. cells and their processes as a result of acute metabolic disorders or metabolic crises."

Cerebral secondary crisis is a serious medical problem that can lead to serious complications for a person's health. This type of crisis refers to one of the types of crises that can develop in people with certain diseases or conditions.

Secondary cerebral crisis is a condition that begins with severe headache, weakness and nausea, but can progress to more serious symptoms such as confusion and memory loss. With this condition, a person may experience an inability to think clearly and difficulty perceiving the world around them.

Although many people refer to this crisis situation as "Cerebral Secondary", there is also an officially given name for this condition - Visceral Crisis - Cerebral, which comes first.

The cause of the secondary cerebrovascular crisis is excessive stress on the body or intense physical activity. An additional reason for the development of such a crisis is also sudden changes in weather conditions.

Treatment for this type of secondary cerebral crisis involves the use of medications and agents that reduce the pressure inside the blood vessels. The doctor may also suggest hospitalization to determine the intensity of disturbances in brain activity.

Due to the fact that a secondary cerebral-littal crisis is a critical condition, if it is detected, call a doctor or an ambulance. If you have any of the above symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible!