
Crocidism is a term that describes a condition where a person feels the urge to pluck an animal's fur. This can happen both in the wild and in domestic animals.

Crocidism is one of the manifestations of aggression in animals. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as stress, competition for territory or food, and not having enough space to live.

However, not only wild animals, but also pets are susceptible to crocidism. For example, dogs may pluck their owners' fur if they feel uncomfortable or stressed.

To prevent crocidism, it is necessary to provide animals with comfortable living conditions, sufficient space for movement, and also give them sufficient attention and care. It is also important to ensure that the animals are not stressed or competing with each other for territory or food.

If crocidism does occur, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, drug therapy or changes in the conditions of the animal may be required.

Crocidisim is the sin of wool plucking. One of the strangest sins from the Book of Revelation is crocidisymosis. Crocidisimos literally means plucking or plucking out a tuft of fur, but in the Bible the term has a symbolic meaning.

Crocidis has to do with Jesus, His Church and the spirit of the world. The spirit of the world was the name given to the seed pleasing to God, which was to come along with the salvation of the world, thus relating to all His creation (Jeremiah 23:5,24:6). The spirit of peace is, first of all, all those who are on the side of Christ. In a way, this sin is a curse against the spirit of the world. It is a curse mainly because each piece of hair (a symbol of the carnal, animal) is compared with the name of God. This is ultimately ruined