Croupous Pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia is an acute infectious disease of the lungs caused mainly by pneumococci.


The causative agents of lobar pneumonia are most often pneumococci - bacteria of more than 30 species. Other bacteria and viruses may also be the cause. The risk of disease is increased by hypothermia, lack of vitamins, stress, and weakened immunity.


Lobar pneumonia begins acutely: chills appear, the temperature rises to 39-41°C. There is a sharp pain in the chest, intensifying with inspiration. After 1-2 days, a painful cough with rusty sputum appears. There is shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. On the face - hyperemia of the cheeks, cyanosis of the lips.


The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture, auscultation of the lungs, chest x-ray, sputum and blood tests.


Treatment is carried out in a hospital and includes antibacterial therapy, oxygen, and antipyretics. Good nutrition, vitamin therapy, and drinking regimen are important. After the acute phenomena subside, physical therapy is prescribed.


For prevention, it is recommended to avoid hypothermia, lead a healthy lifestyle, increase immunity, and vaccinate. People at risk should limit contact with patients with acute respiratory infections.

Thus, lobar pneumonia is a serious infectious disease that requires immediate medical attention and hospital treatment. Timely therapy and prevention help prevent dangerous complications and death.