
Sea Travel: How to make a toy raft or boat

The sea has always attracted people with its mystery and unknown. Some people dream of going on a long journey, while others simply enjoy playing with toy boats in the bathtub. But you don't have to buy expensive toys when you can create them using simple materials.

Making a toy raft is easy. You will need popsicle sticks and glue. First you need to satisfy your sweet tooth and eat 12 popsicles, and then glue eight sticks side by side with four others, placing them crosswise. The resulting structure can be used as a raft for toys.

As for the boat, to make it you will need paper, a toothpick, a plastic box or paper cup, and glue. You need to cut out a triangle-sail from paper and glue it to a toothpick. Then secure the toothpick mast inside a plastic box or paper cup and the ship is ready to sail.

These simple toys will allow your little sailor to go on an exciting sea voyage, invent new routes and explore distant shores. You can also use a world map attached to the bathroom wall to discuss different countries and cities with your child and explore their geography and culture.

The sea has always been an object of admiration and dreams. And even if a real trip on a ship is not yet available, toy ships and rafts will help your child feel like a sailor and go on an exciting sea voyage.