
Culdoscope is a hollow device with lenses and a light that is used to directly observe the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Culdoscopy is performed through the vagina behind the cervix, which provides a more detailed image of a woman's internal organs.

Culdoscopy can be used to diagnose various diseases such as endometriosis, cysts, polyps and others. It can also be used to monitor pregnancy and to identify causes of infertility.

However, currently, culdoscopy has been almost completely replaced by laparoscopy, which is a safer and less invasive procedure. Laparoscopy is performed through small punctures in the abdominal cavity, which allows better control of the process and reduces the risk of complications.

A culdoscope is a hollow device with lenses and a lamp that is used to directly examine the inner surface of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Culdoscopy is performed through the vagina and cervix to obtain a more accurate and detailed examination of the woman’s internal organs. This may be necessary when diagnosing diseases such as endometriosis, polyps, cysts and others.

The culdoscope was developed in the 1950s and was used to diagnose ovarian cancer. Since then, it has become a more common diagnostic method, especially with the development of laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is a method of examining the internal organs of the abdominal cavity through small punctures in the abdominal wall using special instruments.

However, the culdoscope is still used in some cases when laparoscopy cannot be performed or when it does not provide sufficient results. For example, culdoscopy may be useful in diagnosing endometriosis when laparoscopy may not show the presence of the disease.

To perform a culdoscopy, the doctor uses a special device - a culdoscope. It consists of a hollow cylinder with a lens at the end, which is inserted into the vagina through the cervix. Inside the cylinder there is a light bulb that illuminates the internal organs. The doctor may use special instruments to take tissue samples or perform a biopsy.

After a culdoscopy, some complications may occur, such as bleeding, infection or damage to internal organs. However, modern methods of pain relief and procedure techniques make it possible to minimize these risks.

In general, culdoscopy is an important method for diagnosing many diseases of the female reproductive system. It allows you to get a more detailed picture of the condition of the internal organs, which can help in choosing the right treatment.

A culdoscope is a device used by doctors to diagnose female diseases. However, this technique should not be confused with colposcopy, which involves examining the inner surface of the cervix through an optical device. These studies are different, despite having very similar names.