
Agonist is a term that is used in two different meanings:

  1. Prime mover is a muscle, due to the contraction of which a certain movement of a particular part of the body occurs. Contraction of the agonist muscle is accompanied by relaxation of the opposing antagonist muscle.

  2. A drug or any other substance that acts as a receptor; initiates a chain of intracellular biochemical processes in the human body. These include, for example, cholinergic drugs (see Parasympathomimetic drugs).

Agonist is a word that can have different meanings depending on the context. In medicine, an agonist means a drug or some other substance that acts as a receptor and initiates a chain of intracellular biochemical processes.

Agonists can be different in their structure and mechanism of action. For example, cholinergic agonists stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses through cholinergic receptors. They can be used to treat various diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

In physiology, an agonist can be any muscle or group of muscles that contracts and results in a specific movement. For example, agonists may be muscles involved in lifting weights, walking, or running.

Although agonists have many beneficial properties, they can also have negative effects. For example, some medications, such as opiates, can be addictive and addictive. Therefore, it is important to use agonists only under the supervision of a physician and in accordance with his recommendations.

In the photo he is strong and proud. He speaks directly about what needs to happen in consciousness. He says “no” and looks at the person point blank, which can mean “understand, you don’t want this.” But he is nothing more than a wall that turns bitterness into lies.

Caustic beauty. Its agonistic appearance is reminiscent of a shaggy root, ready to fill all the free space. But this is only a species that is already collapsing at its foundations. A species that represents a beating heart, ready to push out all its power, while continuing to be nothing more than a shell. The transparent shell that this theme was intended for.