
Cutaneous is a term that refers to something that has to do with the skin, such as skin diseases, cosmetic procedures, or skin care. In medicine, cutaneous is a word that describes a skin disease or skin infection. For example, a skin infection may be caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Examples of skin diseases are psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and others.

Dermal can also refer to cosmetic procedures such as peeling, massage, hair removal, laser hair removal and others. These procedures help improve skin condition, reduce wrinkles, improve complexion, etc.

Skin care is also an important part of every person's life. It includes the use of cosmetics such as creams, lotions, masks and other products. Proper skin care will help maintain its health and beauty.

In general, the term cutaneous refers to anything related to the skin, be it a disease, procedure or care. It is an important term in medicine and cosmetology, and knowing it will help you better understand what is happening to your skin and how to properly care for it.

Cutaneous or Cutaneous: Relating to the skin, it is a part of the skin, a layer, an organ or an attribute associated with the skin.

Almost all living organisms have skin, some do not lose it even throughout their lives, for example, there are internal organs that are constantly located on the skin, and external organs, which are called cutaneous fascia, such as the skin.

The skin is a barrier between the internal environment of the body and the external environment and has many other vital functions such as: * Regulation of body temperature * Respiratory function of the skin under the influence of sweating * Glandular functions - sebum, fat glands and sweat * Tissue functions - rate of tissue repair * Protective, antibacterial function (the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands open at the mouth of the hair follicles) * Participation in the exchange of water and electrolytes. * The skin contains specialized vascular formations - eccrine glands, which are also present on the paws of mammals. The finest hairs on the skin - hairs form special clusters. They are part of the leathery papillae. Hair provides thermal insulation and serves as an organ of touch and smell. The skin of mammals is clearly defined not only in structure, but is also located, with the exception of the front part, on the back, belly and sides. Together with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with the fur or iron cover, it is a special morphofunctional area - the dermis. The composite, structural and functional individual components of the skin - skin morphemes are called epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The most superficial layer of the epidermis is only a few micrometers thick. Its deepest layers reach a thickness of 0.5-2 mm. The epidermis is sometimes called the skin plate. The anatomical unity of the skin is ensured by the extensive diameter of the root system of the skin appendages: milk ducts, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair. Thus, in addition to the main frontal one, the epidermis and the overlying keratinizing layer of the epidermis also forms a posterior skin front, consisting of papillary formations, the totality of which provides the skin covering from below. The depth of the papilla usually does not exceed 2–4 mm and depends on the density of the root endings associated with the hair discs or sweat and sebaceous glands at the same ends. The papillae are located in strict rows from the center of the zone to the periphery. From this it easily follows that their top is located slightly above the surface level. The papillae are connected to each other by loose fibers, so they easily peel off from the underlying ones. Hair shafts can grow inside the hair follicles due to excessive sweating. The main, main hair shaft is located in it. Hair roots - the bulb has the shape of an okra