Flower test

A color test is a device for studying binocular vision that allows you to determine how well a person sees colors. This test is based on dividing the visual fields of the right and left eyes using special glasses and color filters.

The color test is used in medicine to diagnose various eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts and retinal dystrophy. The color test can also be used in cosmetology to determine skin type and its condition.

The color test device consists of two parts: a special apparatus and special glasses. The device has two color filters - red and green. One of them is installed on the right eye, and the other on the left. The patient then looks at a screen where different colors are displayed. The doctor evaluates how well the patient sees each color and how quickly he can distinguish one color from another.

Test results may vary depending on your eye condition and type of disease. For example, with glaucoma, a patient can only see red, and with retinal dystrophy, only green.

In general, the color test is an important tool for diagnosing eye diseases and cosmetology. It allows you to quickly and accurately determine the condition of the eyes and skin and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Color test is a device for determining such an indicator as stereognosis, which is responsible for the fact that a person is able to perceive objects by touch and identify them by touch. This indicator can be used to assess both a person's vision and hearing. The color test, created relatively recently, determines the properties of fabrics, i.e. able to "feel"