
The cardiogram is one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine. This terminology is used to describe the results of electrocardiography (ECG), a test that evaluates heart function in real time. To record a cardiogram, a special device is used - an electrocardiograph, which is connected to the patient’s hands and records

Cardiogram is a recording of the electrical potentials of the heart obtained from the surface of the body in the form of curves. On the cardiogram, the waves are distinguished: P - pre-excitation or depolarization of the atria; QRS – ventricular complex; T, U – post-induction negative phase.

When recording an electrocardiogram using the bipolar method, the test points are located not only on the chest, but also on the extremities (arms, legs). This makes it possible to obtain additional, so-called chest leads along I, II, III, etc., in which the electrical activity of the heart is recorded at the moments of contraction of the right