
Cyanoderma is a skin pigmentation disorder that appears as bluish or bluish patches on the skin. This disease is associated with a violation of pigment metabolism, which leads to changes in skin color. Cyanoderma can be caused by various reasons, such as hormonal imbalances, genetic diseases, autoimmune diseases and other factors. Symptoms of cyanoderma can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause of the disease. For some people, cyanoderma is only a cosmetic problem, but for others it may be at risk of developing skin cancer or other

Cyanoderma is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of blue-black patches on the skin. The main difference between cyanoderma and cyanosis and discoloration of the skin in diseases of the cardiovascular system is the presence of characteristic spider veins on the skin, as well as the long-term persistence of residual manifestations after treatment. The term "cyano"