Crown of the tooth

Dental crowns are one of the most popular methods of tooth restoration. They are used to protect damaged or decayed teeth and to improve their aesthetic appearance. In this article we will look at what dental crowns are, what types of crowns exist, and how the process of their manufacture and installation occurs.

Definition of Tooth

Dental crowns are artificial prosthetics that replace damaged or lost natural teeth in the mouth. As a rule, they are made of various materials and are installed on special supports or stumps. Crowns can be made of ceramics, metal-ceramics or porcelain, and are designed to restore dentition in case of periodontal diseases, caries, damage and loss.

The main advantages of installing a dental crown: 1. Restoring the aesthetic appearance of teeth by closing interdental spaces and creating the correct tooth shape. 2. Protecting teeth from further damage and destruction. 3. Increasing the service life of natural teeth. 4. The possibility of treating periodontal diseases and caries through restoration. 5. Improving the quality and quantity of food a person can eat by restoring the shape and surface of natural teeth, as well as the presence of multiple teeth.