Abramov-Fiedler Myocarditis

Let's talk about the causes of AV block, or why an ECG is needed. * There is sick sinus syndrome, which occurs in 2-3% of cases and is caused by scarring after inflammation of the myocardium. This disease is associated with an increased risk of AV block. The likelihood of AV block is higher in the presence of other arrhythmias. The presence of cardiomegaly is important in rheumatic fever, Cavalry-Saess disease, severe dilated cardiomyopathy, and recent myocardial infarction. * I met a patient who underwent a lung transplant as a result of the disease hyperemic-elastic pulmonary osteoarthroplasia. In the postoperative period, he developed sick sinus syndrome and AV blocks, which are caused by altered impulse conduction along both intraventricular conduction pathways. Supranodal node weakness syndrome is less common. It can be idiopathic and is associated with acute sinus injury that results in regional ectopic ignition lesions. He does not have an increase in the electrical activity of the sinoatrial node. In many cases sinus