
Cycling: Benefits and Dangers

Cycling is one of the most popular sports around the world. It includes bicycle racing on roads, on terrain and on special sports facilities such as tracks. Cycling helps develop overall physical endurance and the ability to make quick decisions.

One of the most common types of cycling is road racing. Cyclists compete in speed and endurance over distances ranging from a few kilometers to several tens of kilometers. Another popular cycling sport is terrain racing. In this event, cyclists compete in speed and skill over rough terrain with various obstacles.

When cycling, the muscles of the lower extremities develop especially strongly. Therefore, cyclists are recommended to engage in other sports such as swimming, rowing, etc. This will help them develop more uniform muscles and improve their overall fitness.

Cycling is beneficial for people of different ages and genders. Recreational cycling at a relaxed pace on level roads is accessible and beneficial for people of all ages, including children and the elderly. For children, cycling can be a good means of physical education. However, when children use a bicycle, the handlebars should be set higher to prevent spinal curvature.

Traveling long distances by bicycle requires sufficient training and physical stamina. If the exercise regime and hygienic requirements for clothing are violated (for example, riding without a bicycle helmet), injuries and bruises from falls, as well as abrasions and abrasions are possible.

The intensity of physical stress on the body during cycling requires special attention to training. Especially for teenagers who are starting to engage in high-speed cycling, it is advisable to start with short distances and no earlier than 14 years of age. Before starting classes, you must undergo mandatory medical supervision.

In conclusion, cycling is a healthy and energetic way to get physically active and develop your body. However, when exercising, you need to follow safety and hygiene rules, and also start training from short distances and gradually increase the load to avoid injuries and overstrain of the body. Cycling is a great way to maintain your health and enjoy an active lifestyle.