
Cyclothymic disorder is a mental disorder that is characterized by periodic mood swings. It is often accompanied by restlessness, irritability, loss of appetite and difficulty making decisions. Cyclothymia can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic disorders, psychological trauma, environmental factors, hormonal changes and other medical problems.

Cyclothymia belongs to a group of mood disorders that include bipolar disorder and major depression. Unlike major depressive disorder, in which a person constantly feels depressed and unable to function, cyclothymic disorder is characterized by “regular” periods of high and low mood. Usually such fluctuations pass within one or two months.

People suffering from cyclothymic disorder often experience periods of depression and hypomania, especially when faced with unexpected life changes. For example, a sudden change in circumstances, the loss of a loved one, or success at work can lead to an uplift in mood in people with cyclothymia. Likewise, sudden stressful events can lead to a worsening of mood and periods of depression.

An important factor contributing to the development of cyclothymia is a family history of mental disorders. The influence of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, as well as inadequate food intake, can worsen

There is a mental disease called cyclothymia. It is also called an affective mood disorder, in which a person’s mood changes greatly in a short period of time. Characteristic symptoms:

* Irritability, short temper, emotional instability; * Affects – as a result, increased sensitivity; * Aggression, manifestation of increased vulnerability and extreme nervous exhaustion. With prolonged illness, insomnia is noted; Following the affective states of the state, there is a pronounced feeling of melancholy. During this time, suicidal tendencies may occur. In addition to mood disorders, mood swings occur, alternating a state of despondency with inadequate cheerfulness or reduced mood.

In healthy people, psycho-emotional changes are associated with physical processes that require adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Despite the fact that it depends on natural factors and many circumstances, the cyclothymic type of mood has its own characteristics.

A person transfers all the conditions of interaction with the outside world onto himself or demands that others act as he wants. This type of psyche is characteristic of people at an early stage of development, but it can also be present in a mature person. A person, even if he has no objective reasons for such behavior, will experience impulsiveness and an inability to obey generally accepted laws and adapt to the situation. This character trait is most clearly manifested during periods of passion, therefore cyclothymic people tend to develop their talents and creative abilities precisely at such moments.

Cyclothymia is the common name for two related disorders, two types of bipolar affective disorder - cyclophrenia and cyclophrygia. Another type of such disorder is dysphoria. Dyslothiomania in medical language is designated **F 68.5** “A change in mood caused by organic disorders.”