
D-Panthenol: properties, uses and side effects

D-Panthenol, also known by its international name Dexpanthenol, is a member of the pantothenate group. It is produced by the Jadran company in Croatia and is used medicinally in the form of an ointment. D-Panthenol is widely used to treat wounds, cracks, burns, herpes, dermatitis, itchy and allergic dermatoses, as well as to accelerate the healing of poorly surviving skin grafts and radiation damage to the skin.

Composition and release form

The active ingredient of D-Panthenol - Dexpanthenol - is contained in the ointment. Other dosage forms such as creams, gels and sprays may also contain D-Panthenol, but ointment is the main form of release.


D-Panthenol can be used to treat various skin conditions. Its main indications for use include the treatment of wounds, cracks, burns, herpes, dermatitis, itchy and allergic dermatoses, as well as to accelerate the healing of poorly surviving skin grafts and radiation-induced skin lesions. In addition, D-Panthenol can be used to treat intestinal atony after surgery and childbirth, distension with gases and paralytic ileus.

Contraindications and side effects

D-Panthenol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance. When applied topically, allergic skin reactions may occur. Dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions can also be side effects when using the ointment.

Interaction with other drugs

D-Panthenol may prolong the effect of succinylcholine.


D-Panthenol (Dexpanthenol) is a drug that is widely used to treat various skin conditions. This drug is manufactured in Croatia and is available as an ointment. Although side effects may be possible with its use, D-Panthenol is a safe and effective remedy for treating skin diseases and accelerating wound healing.