Daria Centrifugal Annular Erythema

Darier centrifugal annular erythema (j. Darier) is a rare chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance on the skin of ring-shaped foci of erythema with peeling.

Main clinical manifestations:

  1. Round erythematous lesions with a diameter of 1-5 cm with clear boundaries and a flaky surface appear on the skin.

  2. Pallor or normal skin color is noted in the center of the lesions.

  3. The lesions are located mainly on the trunk, neck and limbs.

  4. The course is chronic, relapsing.

  5. Itching of the skin in the affected areas is usually absent.

  6. The causes of the disease are unknown, but a genetic predisposition is assumed.

To make a diagnosis, a clinical examination and histological examination of the skin are performed. Treatment is symptomatic and includes external therapy with keratolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The prognosis is favorable, although complete recovery, as a rule, does not occur.