Defibrillation of the Heart

Cardiac defibrillation is one of the most important procedures in modern medicine, which allows you to save the life of a person in a state of ventricular fibrillation.

Ventricular fibrillation is a condition where the heart begins to beat irregularly and chaotically, which can lead to circulatory arrest and death. In such cases, a defibrillator is used to restore the heart's proper rhythm.

Defibrillators can be of different types, including manual and automatic. Manual defibrillators require direct contact with the patient's body, while automatic defibrillators operate at a distance and do not require direct contact.

The cardiac defibrillation procedure is performed in the operating room or intensive care unit of a hospital. A cardiologist or anesthesiologist-resuscitator, using a defibrillator, delivers an electrical shock to the patient's heart, which leads to the restoration of the correct rhythm.

After the defibrillation procedure, the patient is under medical supervision for several hours to monitor his condition. If the procedure is successful, the patient may be transferred to the intensive care unit or ward for further treatment.

In conclusion, cardiac defibrillation is an important method of saving the life of a person in a life-threatening condition. The procedure is carried out using special equipment - defibrillators, which can be manual or automatic. It is important to remember that cardiac defibrillation should only be performed by a qualified specialist, as improper use of the defibrillator can lead to serious complications.

Cardiac defibrillation is one of the most important medical procedures performed for various cardiovascular diseases. This is a procedure that uses electrical impulses to restore normal heart rhythm after it has stopped or become abnormal. The purpose of the defibrillation procedure is to prevent the development of severe complications and reduce the risk of death in patients. In this article we will look at what defibrillation is.