
Degassers are substances that can enter into a chemical reaction with toxic substances and at the same time neutralize them. Degassing is the process of removing toxic substances from air, water or soil. It is an important part of measures to protect the environment and human health from toxic substances.

Degassers are used to remove various toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrous oxide, chlorine and others. They can be used both to purify indoor air and to protect the environment from toxic emissions from industrial enterprises.

One of the most common degassers is ammonia. Ammonia reacts with hydrogen sulfide to form non-toxic ammonium sulfide. Ammonia can also be used to degas water containing chlorine.

Another common degasser is zinc oxide. It reacts with chlorine to form a non-toxic zinc chloride salt. This degasser can be used to remove chlorine from water.

There are also degassers based on other chemicals, such as calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate and others. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages depending on the specific conditions of use.

Overall, degassers are an important tool for protecting the environment and human health from toxic substances. They allow the removal of hazardous gases and liquids from air, water and soil, making them indispensable in various industries and in everyday life.

What is a degasser? A degasser is a device or reagent that can get rid of harmful substances in the atmosphere. It works by chemically binding the harmful substance and thus rendering it harmless. Degassers are often used to control smoke, gases and toxic substances in industrial plants