Degenerates Supreme

Article "Degenerates of the highest order - history of the term and its relevance"

Introduction In the modern world, the term “degenerate” is becoming increasingly relevant. However, what exactly does it mean and what questions does it raise? In this article we will try to understand this topic and discuss the main issues associated with this term.

History of the term The term “degeneration” was introduced in the 19th century by French psychiatrists Jules Febre and Pierre Janet. They used the term to describe people who are different from the norm and have their own unique characteristics. At that time, degenerates were considered to be a threat to society.

Continuation of the description of the characteristics of the characteristics In addition, in those days it was believed that the main cause of personality degradation was heredity. Thus, hereditary structural features, brain defects (hydrocephalus, schizophrenia, schizoidia), unusual manners (autism) and mental abnormalities (idiocy, mental retardation) were considered obvious signs of the disease.

The Concept of "Higher Order" Moreover, the term "superior" refers to the highest degree of something (for example, intelligence), as well as the highest rank in the social hierarchy. In this case, a high rank can be defined as intelligence, success, ability to be creative, lead, etc.

“Degerent” and the essence of the problem It is worth noting that the concept of “degerent person” arose from the psychoanalysis of Z. Freud, an Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic theory of depth psychology. So, 3. Feldberg began to use the concept of “deviant libido” (or degraded) person, denoting ambivalent feelings in which a person simultaneously experiences a feeling of attraction and disgust towards an object. He also began to formulate the concept of mental incest and maladaptation in certain areas of sexual life. It follows from this that “degeration” is a process that leads a person to failure and unhappiness in both personal and social life. Since both medicine and society have the same understanding of the meaning of the concept of “success,” it is important to define criteria for assessing these concepts in order to minimize the likelihood of citizens feeling degenerate. Some authors-

Nowadays, every person has his own goals and dreams. Some of us strive to succeed and achieve our goals, while others prefer to remain stagnant and not change anything. However, there is a third category of people - Higher Degenerates. They are a cross between these two personality types. Sometimes they are called the "Elite of Society", but this is not entirely correct. They should neither be underestimated nor belittled.

The term "Degenerate" comes from the Latin word "degeneratio", which means gradual extinction and degeneration. It is used to refer to people who do not conform to social norms and standards set by society. The term can also be used to describe people with certain mental disabilities or illnesses.

Higher Degenerate is a special category of people who have a pronounced ability or talent in some area. They may be excellent artists, writers, musicians or scientists. Their success depends on how they use their talents and how energetic they are in their pursuits.

One of the main differences between Higher Degenerates and other people is their desire for constant development and self-improvement. They are not satisfied with the achieved level and always want more. This can manifest itself in various forms, such as constantly exploring new areas of knowledge, searching for new technologies or other advances.

In general, High Degenrants are important members of any society. They add variety and uniqueness to the overall picture, making it more interesting and attractive to everyone. We must respect and appreciate such people, because only through their perseverance, work and talent can we achieve great heights.