Degosa Disease

Dear readers! Today I want to tell you about Degosa disease, also known as Degosa spotted urticaria. This disease is known for its characteristic signs and symptoms, which can cause severe discomfort to people suffering from it. It was described by French dermatologist Harry Degosse in the 19th century.

Degos disease is a type of erythematous rash. It is characterized by the appearance of red-brown or red spots on the body, usually on the legs and arms. These spots can quickly increase in size and be painful to the touch. Along with the rash, the patient may also experience burning and itching on the skin. Sometimes small blisters may form under the skin. In some cases, dense bumps appear on the affected areas of the skin. Although symptoms of the disease can vary depending on the severity of the disease, degosa disease is most common among young and middle-aged men.

Degosa disease is a chronic non-infectious autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue of the skin and mucous membranes. It was first described in 1880 by French dermatologist Raymond Degos.

The main symptoms of the disease are pain and discomfort in the joints, their swelling and stiffness of movement. Over time, plaques of different sizes and shapes appear on the skin, which can merge with each other, forming larger lesions. In many cases, degosa occurs symmetrically, that is, it appears on both sides of the body.

Currently, medicine has effective diagnostic methods, such as biopsy and laboratory tests, that make it possible to accurately determine the type and severity of the disease. Treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, physical therapy, orthopedic correction and the use of drug therapy. With timely diagnosis and treatment, patients can lead a normal life, with the exception of limiting some physical activities. However, if the disease is not treated or is not treated effectively, it can progress and lead to serious complications such as arthritis and arthrosis.