
Dehiscence is a condition in which a surgical wound does not close completely after surgery. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including improper suture placement, insufficient number of sutures, or poor post-operative care.

Dehiscence can lead to serious complications such as infection, bleeding, and even sepsis. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the wound and follow all the doctor’s recommendations after surgery.

One of the most common ways to prevent dehiscence is to use special seam materials. For example, polypropylene or silk have high strength and tear resistance. It is also important to place the stitches correctly so that they are as close to each other as possible and there are no gaps between them.

After surgery, it is very important to follow all doctor’s recommendations. For example, you need to change the bandage regularly and keep the wound clean and dry. It is also necessary to avoid physical activity and other factors that can lead to discrepancy.

Overall, discrepancy is a serious condition that can lead to complications. Therefore, it is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and monitor the condition of the wound after surgery.

Dehiscence is a condition in which a surgical wound does not heal completely or does not close completely. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including improper surgical technique, insufficient number of sutures, improper wound fixation, and other factors. If a discrepancy occurs, it can lead to serious problems such as infection, bleeding, swelling and pain.

A discrepancy can occur anywhere on the body, but it most often occurs in the chest, abdomen, and thighs. This is due to the fact that these areas have a large amount of soft tissue and blood vessels that can be damaged during surgery.

To prevent wound dehiscence, it is necessary to follow all doctor’s recommendations for wound care and follow all his instructions. It is also important to monitor your condition after surgery and tell your doctor about any changes in how you feel.

If a discrepancy does occur, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. The doctor will examine the wound and determine the cause of the discrepancy. Depending on the cause, your doctor may prescribe treatment to help prevent further dehiscence and speed up healing.

Overall, wound dehiscence is a serious condition that can lead to various complications. Therefore, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and monitor your health after surgery.

Wound dehiscence is its non-healing, accompanied by the appearance of “extra” tissue around the wound. The tissue is formed from surrounding healthy cells or tissue debris with purulent discharge. Most often, the divergence of the wound surface occurs along the edges of the wound, especially often along the incision (wound). This leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction on the part of intact skin around the wound, and if the wound becomes infected (the presence of microorganisms in the wound and adjacent areas), the progression of the inflammatory process and suppuration of the wound. Infected wounds always pose a significant danger to the general condition of the body. They are not only a source of pain and local manifestations of inflammation caused by the entry of microorganisms into the microcircular bed, but can also cause general poisoning of the body due to rotting products, metabolism of microorganisms, and disruption of homeostasis. That is why it is so important to treat the wound in the early stages of dehiscence and in every possible way prevent the dehiscence of surgical opening sutures, the occurrence of defects, and promote their rapid regeneration. Despite the fact that the open wound after surgery indicates the progress of scarring. But you shouldn't ignore it. If any manifestation of wound dehiscence is detected, you must urgently seek medical help. This is due to the fact that, despite the significant progress of medicine, the “excess” tissue remaining along the edge of the wound disrupts the phase of regenerative activity of cells, preventing the skin from completely replacing problem areas and forming scar tissue. Restoring the functions of the skin in this area will require much more time and effort. In addition, the result of the discrepancy may be the development of an inflammatory-infectious process, infection, due to the accumulation in tissues of the remains of non-viable cells, waste products of microorganisms and tissue