Decapitation Thimble

Title: Decapitation Thimble: Obstetric Instrument for Fertility Surgeries


In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, new medical instruments are constantly being developed to help with complex procedures and help maintain the health of mother and fetus. One such tool is the decapitation thimble. This obstetric instrument is used in fetal destruction operations and is used to perform fetal decapitation using a wire saw. In this article we will look at the composition and use of the decapitation thimble and its role in modern obstetric practice.

Description and use of decapitation thimble

The decapitation thimble is a special obstetric instrument designed to carry out the decapitation procedure during fetal destruction operations. Decapitation is the surgical removal of the fetal head in cases where its preservation is impossible or poses a threat to the life of the mother. This procedure is used in rare cases when there is a serious pathology of the fetus or a danger to the health of the mother.

The decapitation thimble consists of a handle and a tip on which a wire saw is placed. The handle provides comfort and control when using the tool, and the wire saw serves for decapitation. The wire saw has special flexibility and sharpness, which allows you to perform the procedure accurately and safely.

The use of a decapitation thimble requires high qualifications and experience on the part of the obstetrician. Before the operation, a thorough diagnosis and assessment of the condition of the fetus and mother is carried out. During the operation, the obstetrician carefully inserts a decapitation thimble into the mother's vagina and positions it behind the fetus' neck. A wire saw then carefully cuts through the fetal neck to ensure decapitation. After the procedure, the fetal head is removed and the rest of the fetal body is evacuated.

The role of the decapitation thimble in obstetric practice

The decapitation thimble is an important tool in obstetric practice, but its use is limited to extremely rare cases when preserving the fetus is impossible or poses a danger to the life of the mother. This may be necessary if there is a high probability of transmission of genetic diseases, congenital anomalies, or in cases where the fetus has a pathology incompatible with life.

It is important to note that decapitation thimble is used only in strictly defined clinical situations and is always a last resort when all other options for preserving the fetus and supporting the health of the mother have been exhausted. The decision to perform fetal destruction surgery using a decapitation thimble requires careful discussion between medical personnel and parents, as well as compliance with ethical and legal standards.


A decapitation thimble is a specialized obstetric instrument used to perform fetal decapitation during fetal destruction operations. This instrument is used in extremely rare cases when preserving the fetus is impossible or poses a threat to the life of the mother. The use of a decapitation thimble requires high qualifications and experience on the part of the obstetrician, and the decision to perform a fetal destruction operation should be based on a thorough diagnosis and discussion with the parents. It is important to remember that such operations are performed only as a last resort and that ethical and legal standards are always followed to protect the health and well-being of the mother and fetus.

Decapitation thimble is a stupid name for such a necessary instrument. “Decapitation thimble” is the name given to a unique obstetric instrument in St. Petersburg, which is used in cases where fetal decapitation surgery cannot be avoided. Decapitation is the procedure of cutting off the head of a newborn.

Most often, this procedure is performed only in the most extreme cases. Doctors perform it during complex fetal deliveries, in which the child cannot be born naturally. Obstetric thimble, or as it is otherwise called depressor thimble (the term is used in English and Russian), is detected by doctors around the world, including in the USA. German and British doctors have the same tool. And all because in these countries the fetus has a better chance of life. In Europe, you can get a thimble after the baby is born. In Russia itself, after giving birth, a woman can receive this obstetric item on prestracina. It is worth noting that this operation is carried out by specialists from two clinics in St. Petersburg - Nike