
Fission, or fission, is a method of asexual reproduction used by many protozoa and bacteria. In this method, the body of an organism is divided into two or more parts, which subsequently grow into new organisms. In this article we will look at two types of division - binary and multiple.

Binary fission is a process in which the body of an organism is divided into two equal parts. This process is the most common type of division among protozoa and bacteria. For example, amoeba reproduces by binary fission. The amoeba first doubles its genetic material, then divides into two equal parts, each of which receives a complete copy of the genetic material. Thus, two new amoebas with the same genetic material are formed from one original one.

Multiple fission is a process in which the body of an organism is divided into more than two parts. This process is used by many protozoans and parasitic organisms, including Plasmodium, the parasitic organism that causes malaria. During the process of sporozoite formation in Plasmodium, the body of the organism is divided into many parts, each of which contains part of the genetic material and other necessary components to create a new organism. Eventually, each of these parts grows into a new organism, allowing Plasmodium to multiply rapidly and cause epidemics of malaria.

In conclusion, fission is an important process for the reproduction of protozoa and bacteria. Binary fission and multiple fission are two different types of fission that are used by organisms depending on their needs. Understanding these processes can help combat parasitic organisms that cause diseases such as malaria.

Fission is a method of asexual reproduction in which the body of a protozoan or bacteria is divided into two equal parts (binary fission), as in amoebas, or into several parts (more than two) (multiple fission) , for example, in the process of sporozoite formation in the malaria parasite (see Plasmodium). The products of such division eventually grow into new organisms. Fission allows protozoa and bacteria to multiply quickly without having to find a partner. This is an important mechanism for population growth of these organisms.