Delicate peeling glycolic peeling

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Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

Glycolic peeling has a very delicate effect on the skin: glycolic acid has an exfoliating effect, improves the barrier function of the skin, stimulates the renewal of collagen and elastin fibers, which provides a pronounced rejuvenating effect, and helps eliminate age wrinkles. The complex of alpha hydroxy acids improves color and evens out skin texture, smoothes it, and helps narrow pores by exfoliating the upper dead layer of the epidermis. With regular use, peeling improves skin tone, increases its level of moisture and elasticity, and gives a powerful lifting effect. Peeling activates the effect of your cream.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details

For those who want to put their face in order after a summer vacation, reviews of All inclusive delicate peeling glycolic peeling 50 ml, which we also use in the hot season, will be very useful.

We immediately anticipate questions about. Yes, it is better to “remove” age spots using professional means in a professional establishment. But there are some nuances. Firstly, in the summer, the salon is unlikely to undertake chemical peeling (experts recommend the procedure during the season of low solar activity in order to avoid side effects in the form of increased pigmentation). Secondly, it takes at least three days for rehabilitation, which imposes certain restrictions on “freedom of movement.” After all, your face will peel, and in the summer it won’t be very possible to save yourself with creams and other cosmetic care products - it’s hot! Thirdly, attending sessions requires cash injections (and quite significant ones - a course of procedures is required). And after vacation, not everyone has such an opportunity.

Therefore, the verdict is that we are looking for a good budget product for home use. Among these is the rejuvenating glycolic peeling of prolonged action All inclusive delicate peeling (note – domestic).

The benefits and effectiveness of peeling All inclusive delicate peeling

Delicate peeling is a long-acting glycolic peeling that, according to manufacturers, is an effective and reliable product. The composition contains such active components as:

  1. glycolic acid – exfoliates, improves the barrier function of the skin, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin, thereby achieving a lifting effect and eliminating wrinkles;
  2. licerin provides powerful hydration, as well as moisture retention in the tissues of the epidermis and dermis;
  3. alpha hydroxy acids (citric, malic) help improve the color and texture of the skin, smooth, tighten pores, exfoliate the upper keratinized layer of cells, increase hydration and elasticity;
  4. hydrogenated castor oil softens the skin;
  5. additional components help the main active ones to perform their main functions.

The product contains a perfume composition, giving the product a pleasant, unobtrusive smell. It is barely noticeable on the skin. The consistency is gel-like (transparent) and spreads well over the surface of the skin. The expense is small.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

The manufacturer claims that the product has virtually no contraindications. But based on the fact that the product belongs to the category of, albeit delicate, chemical peels, you should pay attention to the following nuances. Not recommended for use when:

  1. allergic reactions to any of the components of the product;
  2. damage to the skin in the work area;
  3. the presence of dermatological pathologies (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and others).

Attention! Before first use, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow, spread in a thin layer and leave to react for a quarter of an hour. If during this time there are no discomfort or external signs (severe redness, rash, itching, swelling), the product can be used for its intended purpose.

If all precautions are followed and contraindications are taken into account, no side effects should occur. But in any case, there may be some inevitable consequences of using a chemical peel:

  1. slight tingling or tingling during exposure;
  2. slight redness of the skin after removing the product;
  3. slight peeling, which is very well “masked” with a light moisturizer.

Users claim that skin tingling usually only occurs during the first use. In the future, this symptom is either absolutely insignificant or disappears altogether.

How to use peeling?

Like every peeling product, All inclusive delicate peeling is applied to a face that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics, dirt and dust. It is better to remove makeup with special products (preferably from the same manufacturer), then wash and lightly pat your face without wiping it dry.

Apply a thin, even layer of peeling agent to slightly damp skin and leave for five minutes. After this, rinse with water at room temperature, pat dry again with a cotton towel and let dry naturally. Then apply cream according to your skin type.

The product should be used 2-3 times a week, preferably in the evening, to allow the skin to fully recover overnight.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure in detail using the video:

Reviews for All inclusive delicate peeling

Long-acting rejuvenating peeling All inclusive delicate peeling has excellent exfoliating properties. According to consumer reviews, this is a truly delicate cleanser, suitable even for sensitive skin prone to peeling and irritation.

Analyzing the opinions of consumers on various forums, we draw the following conclusions:

  1. the product fully meets the characteristics declared by the manufacturer;
  2. practically does not cause side effects. There may be a slight tingling sensation during exposure, slight redness, which passes very quickly;
  3. peeling of the skin is very rarely observed;
  4. should be used in the evening. Overnight, the skin is completely restored, takes on a fresh appearance, softness, and elasticity;
  5. regular use not only helps get rid of pigmentation, but also minimizes expression lines, tightens pores, and moisturizes well;
  6. After a month of regular use, a pronounced lifting effect is noticeable, the structure of the skin improves, the oval is tightened, and the microrelief is smoothed.

The face becomes fresh, moisturized, as if shining from the inside. Most clients say that the long-acting rejuvenating peeling All inclusive delicate peeling is an excellent alternative to salon procedures.

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