Delirium of Skin Parasites

Delusions of skin parasites are a serious mental illness that manifests itself in the form of obsessive thoughts and hallucinations associated with skin parasites (scabies mites or lice). Psychiatrists call this pathology a cutaneous mental disorder and recognize it not only as a medical phenomenon, but also as a psychological phenomenon. Delirium of skin mites is a diagnostic problem and requires an integrated approach to treatment.

The occurrence of mental disorders, including delusions of skin parasites, is most often associated with negative experiences caused by the influence of various factors. Depending on the form of the disease, fears, depression, anxiety and other psycho-emotional abnormalities may predominate. This mental disorder can manifest itself in various pathologies of the skin and often accompanies various skin diseases. However, this form of the disease is not associated with a specific disease and can occur as a manifestation of a more general disease.

The mechanisms and causes of the development of mental disorders are different, and the occurrence of the disorder may be associated with various causes and circumstances. Moreover, this mental state quite often in its structure has, to one degree or another, manifestations of pronounced skin-allergic reactions. These data force doctors to associate mental skin disorders with “a special vulnerability of the psyche to