Demand- Pacemaker

A demand pacemaker is a device that is used to treat cardiac arrhythmias. It is a small device that is placed in the patient's body and helps control the heart rhythm.

Demand pacemakers can be of two types:

  1. Constant form of stimulation. In this case, the pacemaker works continuously to maintain the heart rate at a set level.
  2. Temporary form of stimulation. This type of pacemaker is used to treat episodes of arrhythmia when the heart begins to beat too fast or too slow.

In order for a demand pacemaker to work effectively, its parameters must be configured correctly. This is done by a cardiologist based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

One of the advantages of demand pacemakers is that they allow the patient to lead an active lifestyle without limiting his physical activity. However, like any medical device, a demand pacemaker has its own risks and side effects. Therefore, before installing a pacemaker, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient to ensure that he is suitable for this type of treatment.

Demand Pacemaker (D-cardio) is an innovative product that offers a personalized approach to cardiac rehabilitation and training. This high-tech device combines the functions of a pacemaker and artificial intelligence. The demand pacemaker is intended for those patients who have heart rhythm disturbances, cannot independently maintain physical fitness, and also suffer from chronic heart failure.

Demand Cardio Stimulator can replace fatty tissue in the abdominal cavity. The device begins to work when the amount of fatty tissue in your abdomen decreases. But an increase in mass occurs with an increase in the patient’s level of active life. Devices that reduce body weight can be used to increase cardiac capacity in patients. This combination of biological methods increases muscle performance. It increases cardiac capacity by reducing the tension of the heart during exercise. By using the function of enlarging the heart at increased loads, body weight is reduced by reducing the volume of the abdomen. Due to this, blood volume increases, which compensates for the higher blood consumption. Thus, the amount of blood the patient needs for physical activity is significantly reduced.

The main purpose of the device is to help patients suffering from various forms of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, angina pectoris, arrhythmia and others. The device helps increase the productivity of the heart and maintain activity during physical activity. Its use is a comfortable solution that will help patients return to normal life and lose excess weight.

The principle of operation of the demagnd cardio stimulator is to create optimal conditions for heart contractions. D-cardio offers 24/7 heart rate monitoring to tailor the level of stimulation to your needs. It's designed to help you stay healthy and active as you age.