Demarra Centurylifter

Demarres Eyelid Lifter (L. A. Desmarres, 1810-1882) was a French ophthalmologist who in the 19th century invented a device for lifting eyelids during surgery.

Demarra was a famous French ophthalmologist who worked in Paris and treated eye diseases. He was known for his research in ophthalmology and surgical treatments for eye diseases.

One of his most famous inventions was the demarra eyelid lifter, a device that allowed eyelids to be raised during eye surgery. This was necessary so that the surgeon could see the eyeball and carry out the necessary manipulations.

The device was a small metal plate with two handles that made it possible to adjust the height of the eyelid lift. Demarra developed this instrument in 1850 and since then it has been widely used in ophthalmic practice.

The invention of the demarre eyelid lifter was a real breakthrough in ophthalmic surgery, as it made it possible to perform more precise and safe eye surgeries. Thanks to this device, ophthalmologists could see eye structures better and perform more effective operations.

Today, demarra eyelid lifters are used in many ophthalmology clinics around the world. They help surgeons perform more precise operations and ensure patient safety.