Dementia Total

Dementia Total: What is it and how does it affect our world?

Dementia total (s. totalis), also known as s. global or s. diffuse is a concept that describes a state when the majority of the population of a society is unable to think critically and analyze information. As a result, such people become easy prey for manipulators who can exploit their ignorance and gullibility for their own purposes.

Total dementia is a serious problem in the modern world, where information is available in abundance. Social networks, news sites and other sources of information are not always reliable, and many people do not know how to distinguish truth from lies. This can lead to serious consequences, such as the spread of fake news, manipulation of public opinion and even a crisis of confidence in political institutions and democratic processes.

One of the main causes of total dementia is the lack of critical thinking in education. Schools and universities place too little emphasis on developing analytical and critical thinking skills, which can result in graduates not being able to analyze and evaluate the information they encounter in everyday life.

In addition, total dementia may be associated with low levels of literacy and education. People who cannot read or write may have difficulty obtaining and analyzing information. This can lead to such people becoming easy targets for those who want to manipulate them.

To combat total dementia, it is necessary to improve education and develop critical thinking skills among the population. It is also important to teach people basic information literacy so they can evaluate sources of information and distinguish truth from lies.

In addition, governments and political leaders must take measures to protect their citizens from manipulation and fake news. This could include creating laws that force social media and news sites to ensure information is accurate, as well as conducting education campaigns to ensure the public knows how to protect themselves from manipulation.

Overall, total dementia poses a serious threat to our society. But through education, information literacy and government action, it is possible to combat this problem and create more aware and critically thinking citizens. Each of us can also contribute by participating in discussions, checking sources of information and not believing everything that is said or written on the Internet. This is the only way we can protect ourselves from manipulation and preserve the democratic values ​​of our society.

So, what is **Dementia Total**? There are often a lot of questions in a person's head. Some of them form our brain, and the other part are emissions of various emotional states such as shock, fear or doubt, which you just want to get out of your head. Throughout our lives, we quite often find ourselves in a situation that is incomprehensible to us and, due to stress, we begin to analyze it from the wrong side. In rare cases, this can be a salvation, but more often than not, this problem entails a bunch of stupid conclusions. When the process of forming a meaningful worldview occurs, the brain gains experience and knowledge that goes into the “memory” storehouse. But when we are in a bad mood or emotions push out our usual conclusions and harm the functioning of the brain and the formation of useful knowledge. But what to do if total disorientation still exists in life?

In medicine and psychology, the term is used in completely different situations. In many European countries, due to the illiteracy of health care personnel, patients often find themselves without timely treatment, and their relatives without psychological support. Indeed, people with loss of critical thinking often confuse the disease with persistent stress. In medicine, this diagnosis is used when the patient has a complete lack of interest in life and activities, and the person does not perceive himself as a whole. This disorder is characterized by irritability, excessive excitability, melancholic and depressive symptoms. With total dementia, intelligence often does not decrease, but