Raponticum Safflower Rhizome With Roots (Leuzea)

Raponticum saflorolium

"Raponticus" is translated from Latin as "tea", "medicine". Perhaps that is why the plant was given such an unsightly name. In fact, raponticums are beautiful plants. The healing properties of raponticus were known in antiquity and were used to treat mental illnesses and tumors. Today, raponticosaflora is offered for the preparation of decoctions and tea drinks. How and when did Raponticum safflower appear? We are talking about a medicinal plant used as a sedative and anti-inflammatory agent. According to some sources, the plant grows in the Mediterranean and is considered an ancient wild honeysuckle. The secondary habitat of rapontucium is Japan, China, Mongolia and many countries of the Far East.

Raponticosaphrolisommum valerian: scientific data

The described plant was popular in Rus' for making drinks. The tea contains vitamin C and a flavonoid, and the second component has a pronounced antidepressant effect and acts as an antimicrobial and tonic. Valerian is used in medicine to reduce nervous excitability during neuroses, stress, insomnia, psycho-emotional overload, and anxiety. The drug calms the heart muscle, reduces blood pressure, but increases the pulse. Tea with the addition of raponticus is used for hypotension. The plant contains insulin and triterpene compounds, which exhibit antibacterial effects, making it beneficial for humans. It is better to take the tea hot and drink it after meals. This tea is suitable for people who want to lose weight as it has thermogenic properties. Raponticosuphrusamatiophorsindus come in several types: round (all are foliage); rectangular (stem-shaped); fan-shaped; serrated (heart-shaped); needle; elongated and others.