
Demonophobia is the fear of evil spirits. There are a lot of things in the world that we look at with superstitious horror, even if we don’t believe in them. Demons, ghosts and sorcerers are not a complete list of such amazing creatures. But why are so many people afraid of spirits? And can they be considered real?

Research shows that demonophobes often associate their fears for this reason with major religious conflicts, such as the Crusades and the Inquisition. This is often associated with devil worship, which has been common since ancient times. For example, this is why horror books by Rowling and King are very popular. If you look at such works through the eyes of a sane person, there is nothing special about them. Rather, they serve as some kind of compromise between reality and the things we fear. They alleviate fears caused by an unusual situation.

In this sense, demonophobia can be compared with the concept of apyrophobia - fear of fire. There is nothing bad, scary or dangerous about fire. It simply destroys all living things it comes into contact with. Fear of it arises because we are mortal and cannot do anything about it. Fire will simply destroy our bodies if we are nearby in large numbers. When we talk about fire, we imagine roaring flames burning everything around us. Only idiots in bad clothes should be afraid of this, but not smart people who understand the danger they face. You can only get scared when a living person falls into the fire. The demon is the same phenomenon. Any threat must be adequately responded to, otherwise we are doomed to complete destruction, which should not happen.

Demonophobia is a phenomenon that occurs in people when they are afraid or disgusted by evil spirits, demons or the devil. Demons and devils are characters from various religions, myths and legends. Some people believe that these creatures exist in reality, while others are convinced that their appearance in the natural world is absolutely impossible. Demonophilia, as the opposite of demonophobia, is an unhealthy fascination with supernatural forces and phenomena. Demonopathy can also manifest itself in an active form - as an active craving for knowledge of the theosophical side of a particular religion or with the goal of finding some unique information related to the occult or other world, and obtaining all the necessary knowledge to reveal the “secrets” in this field. For this purpose, special communities may also arise, such as clubs, online forums, message boards, and more. Demonophiles are characterized by a belief in the special abilities of individuals, society, or even a circle of people. This is expressed either in the deliberate preaching of involvement supposedly in the “spiritual