
Demonomania is a mental disorder that is characterized by an obsessive fear of evil spirits and entities. Symptoms of demonomania may include nightmares, panic attacks, phobias, hallucinations and other psychosomatic reactions. This condition is more common in men than women,

Demonomania is a mental disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and behavior regarding demons, evil spirits, and mystical beings. This is a type of delusional disorder that can occur in both humans and animals. Demons and evil spirits are among the most common characters in religion and mythology, so demonophobia (fear of evil spirits and demons) is a common phenomenon among the population.

However, it is worth noting that demons are not physical beings like humans or animals, and their presence is not only in form. A demon is rather an entity that can act on the psyche of people through various sources, for example, through reading books, watching films, especially the fantasy genre.

Therefore, many people suffering from demonomania perceive books or films about villains and monsters as real works, and not as works of art that can influence their perception of the world around them. As a result of this, most people with this disorder tend to believe that real demons live around them and even talk to them.

Typically, people experiencing demonomania often report feeling the presence of an evil spirit or demon, a feeling that can arise in a variety of situations. Some may