
Densi - The root of the word densi indicates that it refers to a solid object or body. The word Densi describes the definition of the densest objects or bodies. Dens is a root of Latin origin. The word is Latin in nature, so the language of that time perceived it as “condensed.” The word tightly is also the root of this word. Therefore, the word dense has a specific meaning. It means “sufficiently dense”, “dense”.

What is the term densi anyway? First of all, it should be noted that it can be used for objects that we come into contact with in everyday life. Examples include erasers and pencils. After all, the latter are made of dense material, that is, they have density.

In addition, the term can be applied to substances and objects in the form of powders. As a rule, such substances are easily compressed. In fact, powdery substances located even in one area have uneven density. To eliminate the defect, the substances are scattered in a thin layer. In this way, a uniform density is achieved.

It should be noted that the density of substances indicates that volume is equal to mass.

Syn.: hemostatic sodium-calcium cement or coloring composition for filling the root canals of teeth.

Cement for cleaning dental plaque - base (filling) densital - belongs to the class of two-component materials based on calcium hydroxide (instead of eugenol), which significantly reduces the allergic reaction. Optimal consistency and convenient dosage ratio of components ensure reliable sealing of the working elements of the tool