
Topic of the article: The significance of the research results in the diagnosis of rheumatoid factor (RF)

Introduction: Rheumatoid factor (RF - RF) is a complex of antibodies that is formed in the blood plasma from the remnants of globulins of B-lymphocytes. In a normal state, the products of the immune response are in the blood in an inactive form, but during illness this structure is converted into visible pathological immunoglobulin (the antigen is not detected). Due to the existence of this anomaly, diagnosis requires a comprehensive examination.

Significance of the study: Determining the value of the RF indicator is widely used to diagnose many ailments associated with the immune system. Nevertheless, the determination of this marker is also carried out for diagnostic purposes. The results of the analysis make it possible to establish or refute the presence of autoimmune diseases in the patient. In pathologies of autoimmune origin, the level of RF may increase. Such data indicate the body’s tendency to develop a number of complications. Only based on the results of analysis and examination