
Hyperglycodemia is a serious disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in which large amounts of glucose accumulate in a person’s blood. Many people call it “sweet disease” or “diabetes”. At the beginning of the century, scientists believed that the onset of diabetes mellitus (DM) was associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus, a condition in which the pancreas produces little insulin. However, over time, scientists were able to prove that the cause of diabetes is also type 1 diabetes. Moreover, the causes of its occurrence are most often autoimmune processes. To date, 14 types of diabetes are known. And only 12 types are classified as insulin-dependent (IDDM). Diet therapy

Hyperglycemia is an increase in blood sugar levels. Hyperglycemia (hyperosmolar coma, sugar ketoacidosis) is a critical syndrome that develops when large amounts of glucose accumulate and ketones form in the body due to metabolic disorders. It is a complication of diabetes mellitus. One of the first signs may be lethargy, weakness

Hyperglycemia is a sustained increase in blood glucose levels. One of the causes of hyperglycemia is the inability of liver cells to efficiently process glucose. An increase in glucose levels leads to disruption of cell nutrition, which can cause a number of serious diseases. Uncontrolled glucose levels can lead to diabetes and other serious