

Eschrichia is a Gram-positive bacterium that is one of the most common pathogens in humans and animals. It can cause a variety of illnesses, including food poisoning, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, and others. In this article we will look at the characteristics of Eschrichia and how to combat it.


The bacterium Eschrichiae belongs to the family of intestinal bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae), the genus Escherichiae. It is a gram-negative organism that grows well in the environment and can survive a wide range of temperatures and pH. Escrichiae is a common human and animal pathogen that causes a range of diseases. Impact on humans:

When people become infected with Escherichies, the bacteria enter the bloodstream and begin to multiply in various organs and tissues. It can cause various syndromes, including diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, headache and nausea. They can also cause urinary tract infections in women as well as men. The bacteria can be spread through food and water, contact with infected people, and contact with contaminated surfaces.

Varieties of Eschreichiëa:

There are several species of Eschreichiae, but the most common are Eschreichiae coli, which are responsible for most cases of food poisoning and urinary tract infections. Other species can cause various respiratory diseases and skin infections.

Drugs for treatment:

Several antibiotics such as ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and cefotaxime have been developed to control Eschreichettia. These drugs help stop the development of bacteria and eliminate the main symptoms of the disease. However, we should not forget about the possible side effects of drugs and the need to consult a doctor.