
Densitography: the newest method for tissue examination

Densitography is a tissue research method based on the use of artificial intelligence computed tomography. This method allows you to obtain more accurate tissue data than traditional research methods.

Densitography is used in medicine to diagnose various diseases such as breast cancer and osteoporosis. The method is based on measuring tissue density and their detailed visualization. Densitography has high sensitivity and specificity, which makes it possible to detect even small tissue changes.

One of the advantages of densitography is the possibility of early diagnosis of breast cancer. This method makes it possible to detect malignant tumors at an early stage, which increases the chances of a complete cure of the disease. Densitography is also used to monitor the effectiveness of breast cancer treatments.

However, densitography is not limited only to the diagnosis of breast cancer. The method is also used to diagnose osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Densitography allows you to evaluate bone density and identify changes that may indicate the presence of osteoporosis.

In conclusion, densitography is an emerging tissue examination technique that has high sensitivity and specificity. The method allows you to identify various diseases in the early stages and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Densitography is an important tool for diagnosing breast cancer and osteoporosis, making it essential in medical practice.

Densitographic diagnostics is a modern method for assessing body structure. The method is carried out in several stages. The diagnostician determines the position of the patient. This is called preparing the patient for the procedure. The patient must take the position in which the study will be carried out: standing, sitting or lying down. The diagnostician determines the direction that corresponds to the direction of the rays for the most accurate diagnosis and fixes the patient. In modern densitographs, an examination protocol is kept, which is filled out by laboratory personnel. The protocol is considered to be a carrier of the most important information regarding the patient’s physical development, as well as his performance and health status, changes in sexual and reproductive function. Next comes the immediate examination procedure and image formation. After the final part of the examination has been recorded, the analysis of the densitograms begins. The specialist clearly records the dynamics of the transition level of the transverse distribution of tissue density through the spine. For diagnostic purposes, this method is widely used by sexologists and endocrinologists. For comparison, a cross-sectional analysis of the bone density of the affected arm and the healthy arm is performed, carrying out

Modern technologies in medicine have allowed doctors to get rid of the need to spend time on accurately measuring the density of each individual formation in a human organ. Now this task is carried out by computer technology, which displays a picture of the object under study and marks its location in the image.


Using special equipment, X-ray examinations of the patient’s internal organs are performed. The radiologist takes a picture in two projections. These are transverse (facial) and oblique (tangential). The resulting X-ray images in digital format are sent for interpretation to a computer, where on the monitor the doctor analyzes the size, shape and density of the examined area and records its coordinates. What is densitography analysis?