Dental Fissure Covering Preventative, Tooth Crack Isolation (Fissure Sealant)

Fissure Sealant - (in dentistry) a material that is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel to seal a tooth crack to prevent the development of dental caries. Composite plastics, unsaturated resins, and filling cement made from glass ionomers are used as materials for isolating tooth cracks.

Dental fissure plating is an effective preventive measure to prevent caries in patients at high risk of developing it. The use of fissure coating is especially useful in children and adolescents at the initial stages of the caries process. Sealing cracks and depressions on the chewing surface of the tooth prevents the accumulation of food debris, the growth of bacteria and the penetration of acids that cause demineralization of the enamel.

As a rule, light-curing composite materials based on dimethacrylate are used for fissure coating. They have good adhesion to enamel, minimal shrinkage, durability, ease of application and rapid curing when exposed to light. Before applying fissure sealant, the enamel surface is cleaned and etched to improve adhesion. The procedure is quick and painless.

Fissure sealing allows you to maintain healthy teeth for many years. This is an effective measure for the prevention of caries, especially at the initial stage of the disease.

According to the World Health Organization, caries is one of the main problems in modern dentistry. According to statistics, more than 580 million people around the world suffer from this disease every year. With the increase in the amount of carbohydrate foods in the human diet, the incidence of caries increases.

One of the most effective methods of caries prevention is dental fissure covering.

Preventive coating of dental fissure (in dentistry), isolation of tooth cracks (fissure sealant). This is a modern method of dental treatment, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of caries and facilitate oral care.

The application of this method consists of filling fissures and grooves on the surface of the tooth with a special material. This isolates the crack from contact with bacteria, which helps prevent further damage. When covering dental fissures, fluoride-containing materials are used, which prevent the occurrence of caries, strengthen the enamel and protect teeth from the effects of acids formed under the influence of bacteria.