
Deontology is the science of the professional duties and responsibilities of medical workers. She studies the ethical and moral aspects of medical practice, as well as the rules and regulations of behavior of doctors and other medical professionals. Deontology is an integral part of medical education and professional training of doctors and nurses.

Deontology includes concepts such as medical ethics, medical deontology, ethics and deontology in medicine, medical ethics and deontology and other similar terms. All of them are related to the study of professional duty, responsibility and rules of behavior of medical workers in various situations.

The basic principles of deontology in medicine include respect for the patient, confidentiality, professional competence, honesty and fairness. Doctors and nurses must adhere to these principles in their work to ensure the safety and well-being of patients.

In addition, deontology helps medical professionals make the right decisions in difficult situations and avoid errors in medical practice. For example, if a doctor is faced with a patient who is suffering from a serious illness, he must be prepared to make a decision to treat or not treat, taking into account all possible risks and consequences.

In general, deontology plays an important role in ensuring the quality of medical care and protecting the rights of patients. It helps health professionals maintain their professional reputation and public trust.

Here is a good article on deontology for medicine:

Deontology for medicine Deontology is the science of the proper behavior of people in various situations, especially professional ones. In medicine, deontology is one of the most important aspects, since it determines which actions of doctors and other medical professionals are acceptable and which are not.

According to deontology, doctors and other health care professionals must act with the utmost responsibility and professionalism. They must respect the rights and freedoms of their patients, maintain their confidentiality and respect ethical principles. Doctors do not have the right to make decisions that may harm patients or violate their rights, e.g.