Arcuate ligament Medial

The medial arcuate ligament is a Latin name derived from ancient Greek. αρκούς - “arcus”, “arc” and συμφυέω / συμίεω – “to put together” is the “arcuate-medial ligament of a person”, from Greek this abbreviation stands for “arcuate medially”, which denotes the arcuateness of this place.

The medial arcuate ligament is also the medial distal digital ligament, this concept in medicine is common among people whose profession is unloading or carrying various weights, or power loads, and the like.

This “arcuate ligament” is very important for a person - it is in it that the main ligaments of the wrist are located (it is also located between the wrist and the first finger of the hand, if we consider the middle finger as the main one), thanks to its flexibility, the body compresses and unclenches the hands when working, This is why this place plays such an important role in the safety of the human body, so it is not surprising that any damaged ligament causes consequences. Damage to the medial arch - a cyst of the subcutaneous fissure can cause hygroma, restriction of finger movement, as well as problems with other fingers. Often in practice, pinched nerve endings in the carpal tunnel are observed. With conservative treatment, pinching is eliminated with the help of local application of anti-inflammatory ointments that restore blood circulation and muscle relaxants. If conservative treatment of the disease does not lead to the desired results, then surgical intervention should be prescribed. Sometimes this problem also indicates the need for surgical treatment of the ligament. This operation is aimed at resection of the damaged ligament in the area of ​​the medial angle. As a result of surgical intervention, the maximum release of the carpal tunnel occurs, then its blood supply becomes complete. This in turn leads to a reduction in swelling and tension in the area,