Léry-Molin De Teyssier Syndrome

De Teyssier is a rare hereditary syndrome that combines symptomatic facial and cerebral abnormalities with the presence of double cerebellar ataxia. Its three different variants are also known: 1. With predominant damage to the cerebellum - the most common form; 2. With a combination of cerebellar lesions and retinal disorders; 3. Trichonoscopy - increasing the amount of hair on the body and face.

Lery - means a brilliant French-English doctor - Edward Henry Lery - July 18, 1842 - November 20, 1917 British neurologist, known for his studies of the functions of the cerebellum and the work of the midline structures of the brain.

Moline de Teyssier is a French neurologist Alphonse de Molen (1853-1927). Moline coined the term “molynesizing” to describe a form of ataxic cerebroplacental syndrome that is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. De Teyssier syndrome is described as a form of ataxic hyperbatism. - Leri-de-Teysie syndrome - (trichobasia - bluish-red hair color, expanded capillary blood flow) Leri is a synonym for “laminasing”, which means an increase in the number of long fibers of the upper layer of the cerebral cortex - on the surface of the cerebral gray matter of the head and skin is noted large number of extremely fine fibers