
Ashara Fua is a disease that arose as a result of a complex combination of genes responsible for the development of the circulatory system, nervous tissue, bones and muscles. The disease is rare and complex, and although the first signs appear in infancy, the true incidence rate is determined after 5 years. This means that people can live a normal life if symptoms of the disease do not appear before this age.

The first symptom, which usually appears in childhood, is slow growth and weight loss. Some people may also have an enlarged liver or kidneys. Over the next few years, patients may experience a variety of problems, including problems with movement or limited joint mobility.

Treatment of ashara foua includes complex therapy, which is aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease and improving the patient’s quality of life. In addition, certain conditions may require surgery to relieve symptoms.

It is important to understand that ashara foie is a rare disease, but this should not mean that it is