Hallucinations Reflex

Reflex hallucination is a type of hallucinosis, a characteristic psychopathological phenomenon, which, as a rule, has no connection with a real physical effect, a situation of perception. Reflex hallucination is manifested by a variety of vivid sensory phenomena (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory phenomena), mental phenomena and occurs spontaneously upon the onset of sleep or immediately after awakening during wakefulness and alert attention.

Reflex hallucinosis is characterized by the presence of spontaneous experiences that arise in response to previous real visual, auditory or other irritability.

Hallucinatory auditory perception with sound dominance (pseudohallucination) occurs either

A reflex hallucination is the appearance of a visual image, objectively caused by the action of an adequate stimulus of the visual system, but experienced as an image independent of it. It occurs in conditions of difficult or suppressed awareness of the nature and modality of visual stimulation, or their complete suppression. The definition is based on the teaching of I.P. Pavlov about the second signal system (the presence of any of the reflexes in the presence of an adequate sound image).