Mental Load

Mental stress

Workload, as one of the most important characteristics of the labor process, is an integral component of work activity. Human labor is based on mental activity, which ensures that a person performs labor actions. For the successful implementation of labor functions, not only the physical qualities of the employee are important, but also the psychophysiological and personal characteristics that determine the employee’s performance.

Increased mental stress is a component of intense work, in which individual components of work (in particular psychological) are the most significant. However, tension should not be considered as a special mental state or individual personality. It is important to consider that this is a workload under

Workload, unlike physical workload, has a significant impact on a person’s psychological state and performance. Therefore, for a more accurate understanding of the process of mental stress, it is necessary to consider in more detail the mechanisms of its influence on a person.

Mechanisms of action of mental stress

Mental stress will always be present, no matter how small it is.