
Deoxyribonuclease is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA molecule.

Country of origin: Russia, Samson-Med Russia
Pharmaceutical group: Enzyme agents used in purulent-necrotic processes

Manufacturers: Samson (Russia), Samson-Med (Russia)
International name: Deoxyribonuclease
Dosage forms: lyophilized powder 5mg, 10mg, 25mg, 50mg

Ingredients: An enzyme found in the pancreas and intestinal mucosa.

Indications for use:

  1. Herpetic keratitis and keratouveitis, adenoviral conjunctivitis and keratitis, acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract of adenoviral nature
  2. The need to reduce viscosity and improve the evacuation of sputum and pus in bronchiectasis, lung abscesses, atelectasis, pneumonia
  3. In the pre- and postoperative period, patients with purulent diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis are prescribed the drug in the form of a 0.2% solution (2 mg in 1 ml) in isotonic sodium chloride solution

Contraindications: No data available.
Side effects: Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction: No data available.
Overdose: No data available.
Special instructions: No data available.

Literature: Directory "Medicines" edited by M.A. Klyueva 2001