Depression Without Depression

Depression can manifest itself in various symptoms: feeling tired, sad, lack of interest in life, loss of appetite, and others. But there are times when there are no symptoms of depression, which can make it difficult to diagnose the disease. This is called depression without depression.

Non-depressive depression is a condition in which a person does not experience any symptoms of depression, but still has symptoms of depression. It can be difficult to determine whether a person is depressed if there are no obvious symptoms. The reasons for the development of depression without depression may be associated with disturbances in the structure of the brain, disruption of the central nervous system, hormonal changes, etc. One of the main reasons for the development of depression without symptoms is the disruption of neurotransmitters - chemicals produced by the body to transmit impulses between nerve cells. One such substance is serotonin - it regulates mood and sleep, and its insufficient amount or ineffective use can lead to the development of depression without symptoms.

Diagnosis of depression without symptoms is carried out using several methods. The first step is a medical examination by a psychiatrist who