Dercum Syndrome

Dercum syndrome: Derumanism, dercumanism or Dercum syndrome is a rare, complex degenerative disorder of the bones of the pelvic ring followed by the gradual onset of gross cosmetic changes in the soft tissues and abnormal development of the genitals. Derkumanists deny their illness, consider it the cause of social problems, and make unfair demands on others, which indicates the development of psychopathological components. Therefore, the disease contributes to male impotence, mortality among men of working age and other mortality indicators of the population. When diagnosing such patients, it is necessary to be extremely careful when prescribing complex therapy. We will also analyze the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of this disease Derkumanism - pathogenesis • Penetration of anaerobic bacteria. • Muscle necrosis occurs as a result of oxygen deficiency. This entails tissue death and the development of Derkham syndrome.