Dermal nourishing cream for wrinkles with snail mucus reviews

Over the past few years, Snail skin care cosmetics have been in great demand. A cream with snail extract, reviews of which give a positive impression, has a miraculous effect on the skin.

What are the benefits of snail mucus?

For several years now, the most popular skin care cosmetics have been those labeled Snail. Cream with snail extract has proven itself as a remedy that slows down the aging process and promotes complete renewal of the epidermis. But the healing properties of this substance were first discovered back in the 1960s. Dr. Rafael Abad conducted an experiment by irradiating several individuals with radiation. As a result, the snails secreted mucus, which has pronounced regenerating properties.

In cosmetics, they use not the mucus, a trace of which remains when the snail moves, but the substance that the creature secretes when under stress. It contains the following substances:

  1. allantoin (responsible for cell restoration);
  2. collagen and elastin (provide tone and elasticity);
  3. glycolic acid (promotes renewal of the upper stratum corneum);
  4. hyaluronic acid (deeply moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis);
  5. peptides (help eliminate wrinkles).

How is snail mucus obtained?

Issues of humane treatment of animals concern many users of products under the Snail brand (cream with snail extract). The manufacturer obtains the mucus from special farms where shellfish are grown for human consumption. Of course, the creature eventually dies, but extracting mucus for cosmetics does not cause it any harm or pain.

To obtain a beneficial extract, the snail needs to be stimulated to bring it into a state of mild stress. So, for example, you can shake it or perform some other manipulation. The mucus is then collected in sealed containers and sent to cosmetics factories around the world. Most often, raw materials are supplied from Chile and Colombia.

Research results

Before launching the cream with Secret Key Snail extract into mass production, the main component was subjected to a variety of tests and experiments in order to prove its effectiveness. Thus, based on the results of laboratory studies, as well as testing on volunteers, the following results were obtained:

  1. mucus has pronounced antibacterial components that prevent the spread of infection and the formation of acne;
  2. due to the presence of effective healing components in the composition, small wounds and scratches heal in the shortest time;
  3. due to the fact that mucus has a “filling effect”, wrinkles are evened out, because the skin seems to “push them to the surface;
  4. a high concentration of lightening components helps eliminate pigmentation and even out skin tone;
  5. The product activates natural processes in the skin that slow down with age (collagen synthesis, hyaluron, moisture retention).

Another proof of effectiveness

If you do not trust laboratory research, you should pay attention to the processes that occur in nature. It is the mucus that helps the snail maintain an optimal level of body moisture, ensuring its viability. In addition, if any other cracks or chips form on the sink, this substance immediately restores its integrity.

Another example already relates to human life. If you happen to visit a snail farm, pay attention to the hands of the workers, who will have to constantly interact with the mollusks. Despite the fact that this is quite hard work, the skin is in almost perfect condition.

What does the cream contain?

Unfortunately, not only natural ingredients are included in a product such as Snail (cream with snail extract). The composition looks something like this:

  1. in first place is purified water, which is the basis of the cream;
  2. glycerin provides not only a softening, but also a binding effect;
  3. cetearyl alcohol, which acts as an emulsifier (allows you to combine oils with an aqueous base);
  4. stearate is a structuring component;
  5. beeswax, which has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  6. cetearyl ethylhexanoate - gives the product a creamy consistency;
  7. caprylyl glycol is a product of processing coconut fruits, which in its properties resembles sebum;
  8. hexanediol - used as a humectant due to its ability to attract and bind liquid;
  9. sorbitan - an emulsifier for introducing vegetable fats into the cream;
  10. polysorbate 80 is an orange-colored oily liquid obtained by processing olive oil;
  11. sodium hyaluronate - small molecular sodium salt of hyaluronic acid; dimethicone - has a softening effect and protects the skin from exposure to wind and cold;
  12. polyglyceryl-3 - used as a thickener;
  13. filtered snail mucus (or as it is also called - mucin);
  14. carbomer is a thickener that gives the cream a gel-like consistency;
  15. Arinine is an amino acid that improves the protective properties of the skin;
  16. aromatic additives;
  17. Tremella mushroom extract, which provides cell rejuvenation;
  18. Seed rice extract is designed to provide matte skin;
  19. placental protein acts as a nutrient;
  20. rose marshmallow extract is a source of vitamins and other useful substances;
  21. aloe leaf extract - provides deep hydration and promotes cell regeneration;
  22. lanolin - has protective and restorative properties;
  23. disodium EDTA helps remove heavy metals from the skin;
  24. vitamin E, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  25. Oligopeptides are substances that trigger cell regeneration processes.

As you can see, there are not so many natural ingredients in the product. The main share in it is occupied by emulsifiers, thickeners and other components that help to obtain a creamy mass that is convenient for application to the skin.

Effect of snail cream

If you want to get your skin in order, you should pay attention to a product such as Snail, a cream with snail extract. Reviews of this product describe the action as follows:

  1. the appearance of the epidermis is improved due to a fresher color and smoother structure;
  2. small wrinkles completely disappear, and deep ones are partially filled and become more noticeable;
  3. a significant increase in elasticity, as a result of which the skin becomes less susceptible to the formation of folds and creases;
  4. eliminates inflammation, redness, peeling, and also significantly reduces the number of acne;
  5. deeply moisturizes, revitalizing even very dry skin.

How to use the cream

In order to achieve the most pronounced effect, you must correctly use Snail, a cream with snail extract. Instructions for use look approximately as follows:

  1. cleanse the skin with foam or gel for washing;
  2. wipe the skin with tonic or lotion;
  3. Use your fingertips to take a little cream from the jar and start applying it along the massage lines;
  4. to ensure deeper penetration, lightly pat the skin with your fingers, as if driving the cream into it;
  5. If the cream is not completely absorbed, you need to remove the excess by blotting your face with a napkin, otherwise dirt may collect on the sticky layer and the pores will not breathe.

Snail mucus cream is recommended to be applied twice a day. In the morning it provides the necessary protection and nutrition for the whole day, and at night it starts the processes of recovery and regeneration. In this case, the use of this tool should be a course. So, after three weeks of use, it is recommended to take a break for a couple of months.

Other popular means

Products with snail extract from Secret Key have gained popularity largely due to their relatively affordable price (from 900 rubles). In addition, the effect of its use is very positive. However, if you don’t find your favorite in it, you can try other remedies. Thus, the Mizon company is quite widely known, whose products are sold through online stores. Its peculiarity is that the concentration of snail mucus in the products reaches 92%. This is certainly a positive thing, but for overly sensitive skin it can cause allergies. The cost of such creams starts from 1500 rubles.

Skin House products are recommended for those whose skin shows significant signs of aging. There are products for both the skin around the eyes and the face as a whole. Thanks to the high concentration of snail mucin, pronounced rejuvenation is ensured. These products are recommended for oily skin, but may cause a feeling of tightness in dry skin.

Cosmetologists draw the attention of customers to Snail Nutrition, a cream with snail extract. Reviews especially praise the BB creams from this series. This is a unique product, which consists of half of snail secretion, which provides nutrition and restoration of the skin. And pigment particles with a reflective effect provide a fresh and even skin tone.

One of the most popular Korean companies Missha also produces Snail products - a cream with snail extract. The description should begin with the fact that the secretion in the composition is only 30%, which makes the product quite delicate. In addition, bamboo extract and concentrated Dead Sea water provide an additional effect. This cream is recommended not only for comprehensive care, but also for the treatment of acne.

Heldiva is a rather unexpected version of a product such as Snail (cream with snail extract). The review of the product should begin with the fact that, unlike the usual Korean and Thai products, this one is made in Bulgaria. This product is designed to mattify oily skin. For any other type it will cause severe dryness. The price of such a cream is low (about 600 rubles), but it can only be purchased in branded stores in the country of origin.

Cream with snail extract Snail: reviews, advantages

Considering that high-quality cosmetics based on snail mucus are quite expensive, before purchasing it is worth carefully studying the opinions of customers about this product. Snail, a cream with snail extract, is quite popular. Reviews about this product allow us to talk about the following advantages:

  1. a delicate floral aroma that disappears within a couple of minutes after application and does not mix with perfume;
  2. copes well with small scars and other minor defects;
  3. peeling disappears;
  4. complexion improves significantly;
  5. pigmentation, redness, and dark circles under the eyes disappear;
  6. shallow expression wrinkles are smoothed out;
  7. the cream tightens the skin well, making the oval of the face clearer;
  8. it is suitable for use as a makeup base;
  9. provides an express effect (within a few minutes after applying the cream, the face looks more toned and fresh).

Snail Vigor - cream with snail extract: reviews, disadvantages

Despite all the positive aspects, products with natural mucus extract are not without drawbacks. So, if we talk about a product like Snail (cream with snail extract), reviews contain the following negative comments:

  1. almost all information about the products is in Korean, and data in Russian is placed on a small sticker;
  2. the cream is rather poorly absorbed, and therefore forms a shiny film on the face, creating a greasy effect;
  3. after the cream is completely absorbed, a slight feeling of dryness appears on the face, and therefore you have to re-moisturize the skin with cream or cosmetic oil;
  4. in order to achieve a pronounced result, you need to take a course that involves using three jars of cream, which is quite expensive financially;
  5. contrary to the manufacturer’s promises, inflammation and acne practically do not disappear;
  6. In most cases, cosmetics are sold via the Internet or through official manufacturers, and are rarely found on the open market.


Wanting to give their skin youth, tone and freshness, many beauties resort to using a product such as Snail Nutrition - a cream with snail extract. Reviews note a pronounced tightening and brightening effect, as well as an improvement in the overall functional state of the epidermis. However, we should not forget about the problem of dryness, which can be solved by additional moisturizing.

The beauty of creams with snail secretion is that the mechanism of their action is extremely clear. Using the example of the life activity of mollusks, you can roughly estimate how this substance will affect your epidermis. The main thing is to carefully study the composition, because it often contains microscopic doses of a valuable secret.

Asian cosmetics constantly surprise. Face creams based on snail mucus have appeared on store shelves. Manufacturers talk about the incredible properties of snail secretion, which can transform facial skin. We'll tell you what results to expect from a cream with snail mucin.

What are the benefits of snail mucus for the skin?

In cosmetology, specially grown snails are used. Their secretion contains a record amount of collagen, elastin and natural antiseptics. The following substances are most interesting for the skin:

Collagen. This protein, like no other, is responsible for the youthfulness of facial skin. As we age, the body begins to produce less collagen, causing wrinkles to appear and the skin to become less firm and inelastic. To maintain youthful skin, it is necessary to constantly stimulate the production of your own collagen - this is the key to eternal beauty. Elastin. Another protein on which youthful skin depends. In snail mucus, elastin is present in the required amount to maintain the beauty of the skin. Snail cream is indicated for women with problematic facial skin types. Elastin promotes rapid healing of wounds after acne, smoothes the skin texture and makes it healthy. Vitamins A, E, C. This trio of vitamins is important for facial skin, since only their combined effect on the skin provokes cell regeneration and gives a visible result: elastic facial skin, absence of inflammation, reduction of wrinkles, healthy appearance. Glycolic acid. This acid is actively used in cosmetology for chemical peeling and in the treatment of skin diseases. The main feature of glycolic acid is its exfoliating effect. The skin is cleansed of dead cells, allowing other beneficial active substances to penetrate freely. Antiseptics. Snail mucus contains natural antibiotics that help the skin fight acne, inflammation, rosacea and other similar problems. Allantoin. This substance is found in many facial products. It has the ability to: tighten pores, nourish facial skin, exfoliate dead cells, stimulate tissue renewal, heal wounds.

The effectiveness of snail mucin in face cream

Reviews from many women who have used snail cream for a month indicate the following results:

  1. reducing the number of wrinkles, increasing the firmness and elasticity of facial skin, reducing inflammation, acne, smoothing skin texture, eliminating acne marks, scars, rapid healing of wounds, general improvement of skin turgor, lightening age spots, rejuvenating facial skin, eliminating rosacea, relieving irritation on the skin, slowing down the aging process.

What you need to know about snail cream

  1. The best creams with snail mucus are produced in South Korea, Thailand, and Japan. The brands that received the greatest recognition were: Mizon, Tony Moly, Skin House, SnailMe, MISSHA. It is better to give preference to a cream that contains more than 70% snail mucin. The consistency of the cream is appropriate - mucus, which is not so easy to get out of the jar. It is more convenient to apply to the face with a cosmetic spatula. Some manufacturers provide it in the kit. On sale you can find creams whose consistency is lighter than mucus - viscous and not very thick. It is easier to apply such creams to the face; you can do without a spatula. The concept of “cream” does not quite correspond to the name; “serum” is more suitable, again because of the consistency. To moisturize dry facial skin, snail cream will not be enough; some manufacturers recommend applying a moisturizer after applying snail mucin. The cream should be applied with patting movements of the fingers, as if driving it into the skin. After applying the cream, there may be a feeling of tightness, but it goes away after a couple of minutes. The skin takes on a matte tint. The cream will not smooth out deep old wrinkles. And it can cope with facial wrinkles and crow’s feet with a bang. Snail-based products are very popular among girls with oily skin and acne sufferers. The cream tightens pores, regulates sebum production, quickly treats inflammation and smoothes the skin. Reviews say that snail cream significantly improves the condition of the skin and prevents new “problems” from appearing on the face after two weeks of daily use. The rejuvenating effect of the cream with snail extract can be noticed after two months of regular use. The skin will look younger, fresher and healthier. Snail mucus is an excellent skin protectant from UV rays. You may be allergic to snail mucin. For girls with sensitive skin, it is better to start with a sample so as not to waste money.
Reviews of cream with snail mucus

Elena Astafieva, 35 years old. Volgograd

I tried two snail creams: Mizon and Snailme. The first cream did not suit me. The skin did not react to it in any way, it even seemed to me that there were attempts to cause irritation. Snailme cream, on the contrary, has become my favorite. I've been using it for six months now. The skin became rejuvenated, facial wrinkles disappeared, and I forgot about the rashes that appeared on my face consistently once a month. Excellent cream, I recommend it to everyone.

Irina Voevoda, 27 years old. Krasnogorsk

I can’t imagine how I used to live without snail cosmetics. The face became fresher, pigment spots became less noticeable, the skin became very smooth. Snail mucin really works wonders. Stunning effect.

Varvara, 25 years old. Ivanovo

My sister introduced me to snail mucin cream. I myself noticed how her face began to look better, and asked what the secret was, it turned out to be snail cream.

I use Snailme Thai cream at least once a day. I noticed changes on my face after 2 weeks, and changes around the area within a month. My friends ask me what procedures I go through in the beauty salon to look like this, but I don’t know what to answer... I want to be the most beautiful and youthful, I’m keeping the secret a secret for now.

Have you already tried cream with snail mucin? What are your impressions? Leave reviews and comments!

Hello! From this article you will learn what effect creams with snail extract have on the skin, as well as other products that contain snail mucus, why they are so good, whether they have any disadvantages, how to apply them correctly and how often they can be used.


The benefits of creams with snail extract

Snail mucus filtrate is currently used by many manufacturers of skin care cosmetics. It consists of mucin (high molecular weight complex proteins that are naturally produced by the body of animals and humans) and water. These biological compounds (proteins) are involved in all processes of skin vital activity: they provide breathing, nutrition, restoration, which makes them necessary and irreplaceable.

Snails secrete two types of mucus:

  1. Itype serves to wet the surface of the body, facilitating movement;
  2. IItype the snail is released only in stressful conditions, for example, when its body is damaged or its life is threatened. It is this mucus that is involved in the restoration and healing of wounds and is used by cosmetologists to make care products.

Snail mucin consists of:

  1. allantoin, which restores epidermal cells;
  2. collagen and elastin, which increase tone and elasticity;
  3. glycolic acid, which promotes cell renewal;
  4. hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis;
  5. peptides that smooth out fine wrinkles;
  6. chitosan, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  7. vitamins A and B6, which have antioxidant properties;
  8. vitamin B12, regenerating and moisturizing the skin;
  9. vitamin E, which fights free radicals;
  10. vitamin C, which prevents aging and strengthens local immunity;
  11. antibacterial elements that relieve inflammation.

Thus, the rich natural biological composition of snail secretion makes it multifunctional and active in solving various problems.

This snail component has received the international cosmetic name Snail Secretion Filtrate. It is obtained from special snail farms. In laboratory conditions, snails are stimulated to achieve a mild stress state. The secreted mucus is collected in sterile sealed containers, filtered and sent for production to cosmetic companies.

It is worth noting that animals do not suffer or die using this method of collecting biological material.

The percentage of mucin in all products is different, depending on the purpose and method of its use.

In what cases is cream with snail extract used?

Snail cream with snail extract is used to rejuvenate, moisturize, brighten, heal, relieve inflammation and regenerate the skin. One face cream, as a rule, performs several functions simultaneously.

For oily skin prone to all kinds of rashes, greasy shine, enlarged pores, drugs with a higher concentration of mucin are used. These creams:

  1. moisturize oily skin well, thereby reducing the production of sebum (which the skin actively produces precisely when there is a lack of hydration);
  2. eliminate greasy shine;
  3. cleanse and tighten pores;
  4. perfectly heal inflammation;
  5. lighten stagnant spots from post-acne, prevent the formation of scars and, with regular use, prevent further inflammatory reactions on the skin.

For dry and sensitive skin:

  1. moisturize well;
  2. relieve irritation, calm;
  3. night nourishing creams and masks saturate and enrich the skin with all the necessary nutrients;
  4. smooth out fine wrinkles, filling the layers of the epidermis with essential nutrients from the inside;
  5. effective for severe dryness and peeling, small wounds;
  6. Excellent for skin rehabilitation after sunburn, chapping, and intensive salon procedures (for example, peelings).

For mature skin:

  1. increase elasticity and tone;
  2. reduce the number of wrinkles;
  3. improve local metabolic processes in tissues, which accelerates the removal of stagnant lymph from them, reduces swelling and refreshes complexion;
  4. whitening properties help eliminate age-related pigmentation;
  5. a high concentration of nutrients prevents further aging of the epidermis.

For normal skin:

  1. support metabolic processes at a high level;
  2. excellent nutrition;
  3. moisturize;
  4. protect from negative external factors.

For sun protection, creams with snail mucin are a godsend. These products not only protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, but also help fight skin problems. Nourish, restore, rejuvenate. The cream is an excellent solution for oily problem skin, which produces more sebum in hot conditions, becomes shiny and inflamed.

For makeup, BB cream with mucus extract is convenient and effective to use. Solves several problems at the same time: perfectly evenly tones, protects from sun rays, nourishes, moisturizes and regenerates. These creams are divided according to skin type and problems that need to be solved.

Types of products with snail extract

Products with snail mucin are divided into different types according to indications for use:

1. Creams (with different concentrations of the substance) day and night, light and dense. The main division is based on skin type. They have a cumulative effect, the result is visible after some time from the start of use. Must be used regularly twice a day:

  1. moisturizing cream for dry and sensitive skin;
  2. nourishing anti-aging cream;
  3. restorative cream - regenerating;
  4. whitening cream;
  5. eye cream;
  6. sunscreen;
  7. foundation, BB, etc.

2. Gels have a lighter texture while being highly effective. Used in the same way as creams.

3. Serums (highly concentrated). Apply to cleansed skin, under cream. They have a fairly rapid and pronounced effect. Well absorbed. It must also be used regularly - twice a day:

  1. regenerating;
  2. moisturizing;
  3. nutritious;
  4. whitening;
  5. for the skin around the eyes.

4. Masks. As a rule, they are used 1-2 times a week. Result: the skin is transformed immediately after use. An excellent express option for maintaining healthy skin or when you need to quickly get your face in order.

  1. Daytime (instant action), apply for 15-30 minutes, then wash off. The first place in popularity is occupied by fabric masks.
  2. Night (long-acting) They can be applied throughout the night, they can be thick or light. These funds deserve special attention. In Russia, unfortunately, few people have heard about this type of care, but in South Korea it is extremely popular.
  3. Film masks (peelings).

5. Cleansers cope well with skin impurities:

6. Tonics and cosmetic water remove cleanser residues and prepare the skin for subsequent care.

Since snail mucin has a significant number of pronounced effects, products based on it are multifunctional. For example, by purchasing a cream with royal snail extract for problem skin, you can get rid of many problems at once: reduce inflammation, tighten pores, eliminate oily shine, boost local immunity, restore damaged skin, lighten post-acne, improve metabolic processes and remove excess fluid from the skin.

All products combine perfectly with each other and complement each other. It is not necessary to buy a line from one manufacturer. The composition of snail cosmetics is similar, and the simultaneous use of products from different companies that produce them does not cause side effects.

Today there is a huge selection of manufacturers and the cosmetics they offer. Among such a variety, choosing the right product for yourself for the first time can be difficult. You should start with reputable companies.

The main manufacturers of high-quality snail cosmetics:

Advantages and disadvantages of creams

In order to evaluate the benefits of skin care products with snail mucin in the future, you should pay attention to South Korean women. After all, it was in their home country that this miraculous remedy was discovered and began to be used for industrial cosmetic purposes.

In the photo, South Korean women look great. 20 years or 50, it makes no difference. Their skin is perfect. And men, in general, too. The nation, by nature, is skin perfectionists. They have their own effective system of body care and instill it in children from a young age. To date, enough foreign literature has been published that describes in detail all South Korean products with their own care system.

Creams with snail extract have many advantages:

  1. super moisturizing for all skin types;
  2. excellent recovery after aggressive salon or home procedures;
  3. effective treatment for problematic acne skin;
  4. whitening;
  5. narrowing of pores;
  6. improvement of complexion;
  7. restoration of skin tone;
  8. tone alignment;
  9. natural composition;
  10. no age restrictions (can be used from childhood).

Possible disadvantages include:

  1. the presence of artificial additional substances included in the creams;
  2. possible allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How to properly apply cream with snail extract

There are no outstanding features or methods for applying snail cosmetics.

All products are produced either with a dispenser, or sealed with a small hole at the end in soft plastic tubes for squeezing, or in jars with measuring spoons.

The higher the mucin content, the more the cream resembles thick mucus. Highly concentrated products apply wonderfully to the skin and are distributed without problems, but are practically not absorbed. This should be taken into account when using the cream. It is definitely not suitable for decorative cosmetics. But at night it will become a super remedy.

Application method:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your skin with your usual product (gel, mousse, micellar water).
  2. Remove any remaining cleanser from your skin with a toner.
  3. Apply serum (will enhance the effect of the cream or complement it with other properties)
  4. Squeeze out a pea of ​​cream or scoop it out of a jar with a special spatula.
  5. Distribute over the face with gentle, soft, smooth movements along the massage lines, patting lightly.

The cream around the eyes is also applied only to well-cleansed skin and only with light pats with the little finger.

If the product is concentrated and dense, it is recommended to apply it in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime. The active ingredients will have time to act before you go to bed, and all the cream will not remain on the pillowcase.

Light creams used in the morning can be a good base for skin toning.

BB creams with snail mucus extract are an excellent option for evening out skin tone. Apply in the same way as regular light creams. To distribute evenly over the face, the base must be moisturized (with serum, basic cream or tonic). BB creams produced by Mizon are universal care and decorative products. They have healing, sun protection and toning functions. They are excellent day creams.

How often can you apply the cream?

To achieve a good lasting effect, creams with snail mucin should be used regularly.

Creams must be selected depending on the condition of the skin and the season. In cold weather, careful nutrition and hydration, protection from temperature changes and recovery are necessary. In summer – protection from ultraviolet radiation and reduction of inflammatory processes.

All products are used twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. Lighter during the day, under makeup. In the evening, the choice can be a night mask. All products can contain snail mucin with different concentrations.

There are no restrictions on the use of cosmetic snail lines.

Reviews of cream with snail secretion extract


“I tried Mizon and SnailMe creams. The first one did not suit me, I did not see any effect, only a slight irritation on the skin. But I’ve been using the second one for six months now, the effect is noticeable: the skin looks younger, rashes have stopped, facial wrinkles have gone away. I recommend the cream."


“The cream really helps rejuvenate the skin. After 2 months of use, my skin condition improved significantly and I noticed a whitening effect.”


“I bought myself snail cream - and it amazed me! The cream moisturizes and does not leave an oily sheen (and I have problematic, oily skin). There are fewer rashes. And the cream for the skin around the eyes whitens well, after a couple of weeks the dark circles became less noticeable.”


“Snail cosmetics are a real salvation! The face has become fresher, the skin has become smoother, and pigment spots are less noticeable. Products with mucin work wonders!”

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About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.