Cream for hernias under the eyes

“I get up in the morning after a party and see in the mirror an absolutely normal face - without puffy, swollen eyes. I'm not afraid to eat a pickled cucumber at night. And the only thing I regret is that I didn’t solve this problem earlier!”

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Bag of problems

A couple of years ago I noticed that bags under my eyes began to grow. At first they appeared if I ate salty foods at night, slept little or drank a lot of liquid before bed - that is, there was some reason. But lately, almost every morning I didn’t like the reflection in the mirror. I have tried a hundred creams for the eyelid area: with a drainage effect, moisturizing, with a lifting effect, specifically aimed at “anti-puffiness”. Some made it worse, others did not make it worse. I mastered a bunch of folk recipes, from applying frozen spoons to bags, rubbing with ice cubes, contrasting lotions to rubbing with raw potatoes and cucumber masks. Some of this helped reduce swelling, but so little that I accepted: everyone has their own shortcomings, I have bags. So what.

Not long ago I prepared material about fat traps - special deposits of fatty tissue that are beyond the control of diets or fitness. Dr. Max-Adam Scherer, who consulted me, told me that in some people these traps form on the stomach, in others on the hips, in others in the nape of the neck.

- And under the eyes? “I couldn’t resist asking about the painful issue.” - Look, do I have fat traps?

Back, rest: in what position should you sleep so that your back does not hurt?

— You have a hernia in the lower eyelid area. These are not fat traps; hernias or “bags” are displaced fatty bags that should be located beyond the border of the orbital bone and “support” the eye, the doctor talked about and schematically drew the skull and fatty bags around the eyes. — Once the “bags” appear on their own, unfortunately, they will not disappear, but will enlarge and stretch the skin of the eyelids. For patients who are concerned about this problem, I recommend oculoplasty. And I would advise you to think about transconjunctival hernia removal (remove the hernia through a small incision on the inside of the eyelid), as well as periosteal correction of the tear trough to eliminate dark circles.

This thought deprived me of peace. That is, it’s not a matter of water or salt, it’s just a fat pad that sits under my eye and is gradually growing! And it will only get worse. I looked through photographs of my parents at my current age (I’m soon 36): yes, my dad started getting pouches around the same time. And now... In a word, I realized that I cannot simply come to terms with such a structural feature of the body. I don't want to look like that. But what about natural aging, for which I so advocated?

Fears and doubts

On the other hand. People go to dentists and have plaque removed. Some do whitening, some get implants, and no one considers this to be an interference with the natural aging process. Many women paint over their gray hair, and no one reproaches them. So why not remove fatty hernias under the eyes? My internal scales were leaning towards a radical solution to the problem, but I went for a second consultation because I had too many questions. I tortured the doctor:

— Will my facial features and eye shape change?

- What do you want? - the doctor was surprised. — Changing the shape of the eyes requires special techniques, and we are talking about removing hernias. There will be no hernias, swelling and dark circles will disappear, and only this will limit the changes after the operation. You may be surprised, but your friends won’t notice anything, won’t suspect a visit to a surgeon, and won’t guess about plastic surgery. Compliments and the phrases “You look good” will be heard, but asking the question “Where did your bags under your eyes go?” Only a person who knew well what was bothering you could do it. This is how human attention works: the gaze will certainly dwell on shortcomings, on bags under the eyes, and we do not notice their absence, noting only that the interlocutor has become prettier.

Minimally invasive techniques in plastic surgery eliminate the distortion of natural features. I call this “invisible touch” - an imperceptible touch, and this invisibility of the presence of surgical instruments is the main difference between modern operations and classical ones.

— Is there a risk of getting eyes that don’t close, bulging eyes, or, on the contrary, sunken eyes?

— Traditional blepharoplasty, which involves removing excess skin, can indeed round the eyes, but oculoplasty is a preserving manipulation. I repeat: I will only remove the hernias and slightly raise the orbital periosteum.

- But I'm afraid of general anesthesia!

— Oculoplasty can also be performed under local anesthesia. But when choosing anesthesia, you should not be guided by the patient’s fears, especially since, I assure you, under local anesthesia you will get more stress. Sedation is a safer and more comfortable method of general anesthesia during oculoplasty, both for the patient, the doctor, and the result of the operation.

Sedation is prescribed and performed by an anesthesiologist; the patient is injected intravenously with special substances, he remains on his own breathing, during the operation the main vital parameters are monitored: pressure, pulse, cardiogram, oxygenation of body tissues, and so on.

— Maybe it’s better to postpone all this for 3-5 years?

- Certainly. You can do nothing at all. But in 3-5 years, the hernia will increase in size, stretch the skin of the eyelids, and you will have to remove it too. That is, the volume of the operation will be greater: in addition to removing hernias, you will need a pinch technique (pinch technique) to remove excess skin.

— How long will I recover after oculoplasty?

- In a week, no one will notice that you did anything at all.

I still had my doubts. But when I was already leaving the consultation, I literally ran into an old friend at the door and was amazed at how beautiful she looked. Fresh, young, but absolutely natural! I couldn’t resist asking, and she didn’t try to hide the fact that three months ago she had done exactly the procedure that was ahead of me, and right here - in the clinic of High Aesthetic Medicine.

The decision was taken. Two of my friends and my husband knew about it: I decided to keep the process secret from my colleagues in order to get a more objective reaction after the operation.

Day X

The most difficult thing on the day of surgery is not to eat or drink anything 8 hours before it. That is why I asked to schedule it for me at 10 am, and ate and drank for the last time before bed. And still, in the morning I painfully wanted to take at least a sip of water. But you can’t, otherwise the sedation will make you sick. At the clinic, they changed me into a robe, once again asked questions about allergies, past illnesses, chronic diseases, and began to prepare me for the operation.

The kind anesthesiologist asked what I would like: to spend less time “passed out” or, on the contrary, to fall asleep and not hear all the preparations. I was so afraid that I asked them to “knock me out” as quickly as possible, before I jumped up and ran away from the operating table. An injection into a vein, a countdown - and darkness.

I woke up calmly - the way you wake up on a day off, when no alarm clock rings, and you smoothly “float up”, gradually starting to hear sounds, feel your body, and become aware of yourself. “Hi, how are you?” - the doctor's voice. I can’t open my eyes: I’m wearing a bandage and an ice compress. At first it’s scary: you don’t see anything and you don’t know whether you’ll see it. But then the nurse lifted the ice pack for a second to put it better, and I saw light through my closed eyelids. It felt better right away.

I'm completely fine, I feel great, and the only thing that worries me is how everything went. According to the doctor, it’s great, but I’ll have to lie down in the room under a warm blanket for another 2 hours. I fall asleep, wake up, doze again - until it’s time to take off the ice, cut off the bandage and open my eyes.

And here’s the first surprise: I can’t control my own vision! So that you can imagine, as I saw in the first hours after the operation, imagine that everything in front of you is not just doubled, but also turned 45 degrees. That is, instead of a vertical pencil, you will see a cross made of two pencils. And it will be like this for several hours. That is, you will need a “nanny” who will feed you, give you water, accompany you around the apartment, and help with clothes.

They showed me what had to be removed: from under each lower eyelid the doctor cut out three lumps of fat, each the size of a cherry pit! I can imagine what they would turn into in 5 years.

Three days in captivity

The restrictions of the first three days after surgery are severe. You can’t watch TV, you can’t use a smartphone or computer, you can’t read, you can’t strain your eyes at all. You cannot lift anything heavier than a mug of water, you cannot bend over, you cannot do anything with your hands that requires vision (cooking, embroidering, ironing clothes). You can’t travel anywhere or communicate with people in person, so as not to get infected; your body is somewhat weakened these days.

Basically, you can listen to music and look out the window. And this is not-you-but-si-mo boring. The idea of ​​listening to films saved me: I chose the ones I love most, in which I don’t need to look at the screen to understand what’s happening, just the sound.

A day after the operation I looked like this.

By the end of the third day, I was at my limit: without the Internet, I was experiencing real withdrawal symptoms. Yes, these days I limited myself to salty, spicy, hot foods (warm is fine), alcohol, showering and washing were strictly prohibited. I also took antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drops in my eyes three times a day. There were bandages under my eyes, because of which I had to change clothes very carefully and sleep half-sitting, with a mountain of pillows under my back. By the way, the latter turned out to be surprisingly comfortable. Finally, the bandage could be removed.

I expected to see horror and a nightmare, but I looked quite decent: small swelling and slight hematomas did not look as scary as I imagined.

It turned out to be funny going to a store near our house, where our family has been known for many years. It clearly took a lot of effort for the cashier to refrain from asking questions, and she looked at my husband with outright hostility. I still think that she didn’t really believe my words “It’s not what you think!” The clinic called me every day, and I sent them a selfie so that the doctor could see the positive dynamics.

The publication

New Year's Eve has arrived. I admit honestly: if I decided not to wear makeup, the marks from the operation would be a little noticeable. But the foundation and mascara did their job: none of our guests suspected anything! Exactly 7 days have passed since the operation.

The next “starting point” was going back to work after the holidays. Let me remind you that my colleagues did not know anything. Some noted how well rested I was, how fresh I looked, some didn’t notice anything, but the most important thing is that I can see the difference myself. I get up without the slightest swelling, even if I ate a pickled cucumber in the evening. I can drink as much liquid (and not always non-alcoholic) as I want before bed. I wake up fresh, I no longer need a concealer to hide my bags, I can sleep 2-3 hours less, jump up at the crack of dawn and know for sure that I look great. But my doctor says that this is not the end yet and the overall appearance will improve further, and the final result will be visible in one and a half to two months. Well, I don’t know, I’m already quite satisfied! And if I regret anything, it’s only that I didn’t do it earlier.

Interestingly, I began to use makeup less often - I really like the way I look without it!

Technical points

2 weeks before surgery it is necessary to take tests and undergo examinations:

- detailed clinical blood test,

- blood for the Wasserman reaction,

- blood for hepatitis B and C,

- blood for blood type and Rh,

- general urine analysis.

If you rent all this for a fee, it will cost about 5,000 rubles. At the same time, most tests can be taken in a regular clinic, having received a referral from a therapist, who just needs to inform that you want to undergo a medical examination and check the main indicators of your body.

The cost of the operation itself is about 100,000 rubles, calculated individually.

You need to come to the clinic 3 times: for the operation itself, to remove the bandage, and a week later for a visual examination.

From a scientific point of view

The eye is naturally protected by "fat pads" that are demarcated by the intraorbital membrane from the muscles and skin around the eyes. And nearby, in the area of ​​the cheekbones and tear troughs, there are additional “fat packets”.

If the adipose tissue of the accessory packets weakens, a large mechanical load falls on the thin intraorbital membrane.

The fat pads located behind it begin to “move” forward, leaving their natural position. This is how a “bag” of the lower eyelid begins to form - a hernia, which puts pressure on the blood and lymphatic vessels, retains fluid, which causes swelling and dark circles.

The same thing can happen in the area of ​​the upper eyelid: fat pads “move forward” and the eyelid begins to “hang” over the eyelash edge. This narrows the field of vision and causes inconvenience, due to which you have to wrinkle your forehead and acquire facial wrinkles.

What are the ways to combat such changes around our eyes?


Oculoplasty is a general name for a number of operations and manipulations aimed at rejuvenating the eyelids and solving other aesthetic problems in the area around the eyes. Traditional blepharoplasty, during which excess tissue is removed, is an integral part of oculoplasty; this classical operation is being replaced by the pinch technique.

Removing fat bags

Fat bags are removed through a small incision in the eyelid area. It is important during the operation to determine the amount of fatty tissue removed so that it does not turn out to be excessive or, conversely, insufficient.

Reposition of fat bags

Fat packets move to an area where there is not enough fat tissue volume and grooves or skeletonization of the orbital edges are noticeable. This is usually done with periosteal detachment - a special “pocket” is created and the fatty lump is moved on its own vascular pedicle into this space. In this way, the orbital surface is leveled, and the groove gaps are filled naturally.


The procedure of injecting your own fat cells to replenish lost volume in the eye area. Used to combat dark circles and hollows under the eyes.

Browlifting (ligature, surgical)

The youthfulness of the look depends on the position of the eyebrows. As a rule, performing classic blepharoplasty without browlifting does not make the patient look young, so the effect of blepharoplasty in patients with a tendency to drooping eyebrows is short-lived.

Eyebrow lifting is performed through a small incision, fixing the eyebrows in a normal position or with a change in shape. With this method, a small piece of skin is excised to change the shape of the eyebrows.

Bloodless skin tightening technique. Using the pinch technique, excess eyelid skin is plucked off with a special tool, which pinches the amount of skin that needs to be removed and does not capture muscles and blood vessels. The pinch technique eliminates the effect of a rounded eye and does not leave bruises or cuts noticeable when working with a scalpel.


When the ligament that holds the eyelid weakens, the shape of the eyes begins to change - they become rounded, and the eyelid droops, revealing a reddish stripe on the inside. Canthopexy is used to elevate the angle of the eye and tighten the ligament.

People who care about their appearance immediately notice the appearance of peculiar bags under their eyes. An unpleasant defect attracts the eye, and the attractiveness of the face suffers. The cosmetic problem itself will not disappear, and it will not be possible to disguise it with cosmetics. Although a hernia under the eyes does not pose a threat to health, it is necessary to get rid of folds by familiarizing yourself with the causes of protruding fatty tissue and methods of combating the defect.


What is a hernia under the eyes

Swelling under the lower eyelid is most often found on the face of mature women, which is associated with changes in the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the eye. Age-related changes in the body deprive the skin of its elasticity, causing it to stretch. The result is the filling of the resulting space with elements of adipose tissue, which obstructs the outflow of lymph, causing swelling.

If the cause of swelling of the skin is associated with fatigue or chronic lack of sleep, removing a hernia under the eye will not be difficult. If the appearance of skin protrusion is the result of the accumulation of fat cells, therapeutic techniques that will be selected by a specialist will help.

Why does skin swelling occur?

Growths of the fatty layer under the eyes (hernias) can appear due to bad habits and abuse of salty foods. The condition of the epidermis is negatively affected by poor-quality cosmetics or excess ultraviolet radiation; prolonged work at a computer screen also affects the face with unaesthetic fat bags.

What other factors can cause a hernia:

  1. impaired metabolism or malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  2. hereditary predisposition to early withering of the dermis;
  3. hormonal imbalance affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. tendency to angioedema, manifestation of Quincke's edema;
  5. disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus with the need to squint.

The appearance of a hernia under the eye can be signaled by pathologies of the urinary system or the development of renal failure, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system. With a combination of several provoking factors, hernias can form not only in the lower eyelid area, but also above the eye, under the brow arch.

To check for the presence of accumulations of subcutaneous fat, you should lower your eyelids and press your finger on the eyeball. A signal of the presence of a hernia will be swelling of the skin of the upper eyelid after removing the finger. To get rid of the problem, you will need to identify the actual cause of the external defect, and the doctor will tell you which principle of treatment for a hernia on the face to choose.


Methods for getting rid of cosmetic defects

Doctors advise getting rid of a hernia under the eyes as early as possible; ignoring the problem ends in worsening vision. As swelling progresses, the secretion of the sebaceous glands suffers, which over time manifests itself as causeless lacrimation and pain in the eyes, and constant swelling of the tissues.

Modern medicine offers three ways to get rid of cosmetic problems:

  1. Surgery is considered the most effective method, but there is a risk of recurrence;
  2. a hernia under the eye can be removed without surgery by resorting to hardware procedures;
  3. Treatment with folk remedies can affect the cause of hernia formation.

Important! If the tissues of the upper and lower eyelids are subject to very noticeable sagging with the process spreading to the eyebrows, cheeks and cheekbones, the only way to get rid of the problem is through surgery. The help of hardware and home procedures will be temporary.

Surgical options

Scalpel surgery

The operation, called blepharoplasty, is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on which eyelid is affected by swelling, the manipulation is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. an incision with a scalpel along the horizontal fold located at the base of the upper eyelid, closer to the brow bone;
  2. in case of strong protrusion of the lower eyelid, a scalpel incision is made along the lower ciliary edge.

Excess skin is removed from the opened space along with lipoid growths, after which special sutures are applied to minimize the consequences of the cosmetic defect. During the rehabilitation period, the patient feels some pain when blinking, swelling of the eyelids, and lacrimation are observed. During 2-3 weeks of wound healing, the unaesthetic marks disappear, and after 2 months there is not even a trace left of the seam.

Transconjunctival technique

Hernia treatment is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Minimally invasive surgery under the eyes is performed with a modern device equipped with a special needle to puncture the conjunctiva in the direction of the hernia. Fatty tissue is removed using a vacuum aspirator with a thin tube. Using a technique with a minimum of pain does not leave scars after rapid healing. However, the procedure is contraindicated for the treatment of a large hernia under the lower lash line.


How to get rid of a defect without surgery

The size of the protrusion under the lower eyelid can be reduced using hardware methods. Turning to cosmetic procedures helps smooth out wrinkles, restoring elasticity and firmness to the skin by stimulating collagen production. The choice of a non-surgical treatment method is justified at the early stage of the appearance of a hernia under the eyes.

Important note. Hardware treatment procedures do not eliminate fat deposits, but help improve the quality of the skin. To achieve a noticeable effect, more than one session will be required, and repeated courses of treatment will also be necessary.

Hardware procedures

Name of the hardware technique Explanation of the treatment procedure
Electrical stimulation method To restore the tone of the facial muscles and the muscular frame of the eyelids, problem areas are exposed to low frequency currents. The manipulation reduces the tension of the membrane that holds the fat around the eyes, which allows you to remove the hernia without surgery
Mesotherapy help Thanks to microinjections of drugs, fatty growths are eliminated. Filler preparations based on vitamins and hyaluronic acid help restore skin tone through a moisturizing effect and improved lymph drainage
Lymphatic drainage The procedure can be either manual or hardware using microcurrents. Massage removes fluid from the lymph filling the hernia under the eyes, which relieves puffiness without surgery
Fractional photothermolysis method The rejuvenating effect of thermolysis is based on the use of a laser beam cut by lenses. Deep penetration of micro-rays under the skin destroys the fat layer, quickly reducing the hernia, protecting against recurrence of the pathology
Thermolifting The result of hardware therapy with high-frequency currents is the production of collagen deep in the dermis, which prevents the growth of fatty tissue. Hernias under the eyes are reduced by improving lymph and blood circulation, which allows you to get rid of puffiness without surgery
Ultrasonic lift An innovative procedure using ultrasound provides visualization of the subcutaneous layer, allowing you to choose a method of individual impact on the problem area. The correct functioning of the sebaceous glands and the tone of the subcutaneous tissue will be restored by just one procedure, the effect of which lasts for a long time

In addition to hardware for treating a hernia under the eye, a popular method of internal rejuvenation using plasma lifting is used. The treatment is based on the subcutaneous administration of a substance containing plasma isolated from the patient’s skin and saturated with platelets. Injections trigger the regeneration process of the epidermis, accelerating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which ensures a long-lasting effect of the procedure.

Methods for getting rid of a hernia that allow you to eliminate the defect without surgery include cosmetic care products for the skin around the eyes. Specially designed cosmetic programs include massage of the area under the lower eyelid, eyelid peeling procedures that remove dead skin cells, as well as the help of special cosmetics and treatments targeted at a specific skin type.

Treatment of swelling with folk remedies

Turning to the practice of traditional medicine, you can find many recipes that allow you to get rid of a hernia on the face using home methods. If swelling of the eyelids is caused by kidney problems or metabolic disorders, reducing the fluid intake will relieve bags under the eyes. Diuretics should be taken after consultation with a doctor.

Important note. When turning to recipes from traditional healers, you should prepare yourself for a long process that requires careful implementation of the recommendations. If home therapy is not regular, then it will not be possible to get rid of the hernia without surgery.

Traditional healers offer many simple recipes to help treat under-eye bags. The following natural remedies are considered to be the most effective components that complement home therapy.


Parsley decoction

  1. How to cook: brew a full tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley with a glass of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth should be filtered.
  2. How to use: use cotton pads soaked in a decoction to make lotions for areas with hernias.

Tip: if not all of the parsley broth has been used, pour the remaining liquid into freezing molds in the freezer. Use the resulting ice cubes for daily morning wiping of problem areas - 15 seconds of treating the surface under the eye.

White clay pharmaceutical

  1. How to prepare: add the same amount of rose oil to a teaspoon of crushed clay, grind the mixture and stir until smooth.
  2. How to use: the resulting pulp is applied to the bags under the eyes. After a few minutes, the mixture is washed off with a warm infusion made from rose petals.

Tip: dry eyelids are lubricated with a special cream intended for application to the area around the eyes.

Uses of black tea

If you use disposable black tea bags, do not throw away the used tea leaves. The bags can be frozen and then applied to hernias under the eyes, which helps to tone the swollen dermis and tighten it.

How to use pumpkin

In the collection of ancient recipes there is an effective method of combating swelling of the skin surface, based on the help of the gifts of nature. You will need to boil pieces of pumpkin, prepare a paste from them and apply the warm mixture to the surface of the fatty deposits under the lower eyelid. Instead of pumpkin, you can choose avocado pulp, applying it fresh to swollen areas.

Masks that reduce swelling of the eyelids

  1. After boiling the potatoes in their jackets, peel them and mash the vegetable. Fold the puree into gauze and apply it to problem areas. If you use raw potatoes, you should grate them and mix them with chopped green leaves (parsley, dill).
  2. Slices of chopped cucumber are placed on the swollen areas, but it is more convenient to grate the vegetable and place it in gauze. Cover the eyelids with the resulting compress, covering it with a cotton swab previously soaked in milk.
  3. To prepare a mask with sour cream, add two parts of finely chopped parsley leaves to one part of the fermented milk product. The finished mixture is applied to the skin around the eyes.
  4. Using a mask with egg white tightens the skin, saturating it with vitamin B2. The egg white, whipped until foamy, is applied to the areas affected by swelling. The signal to wash off the mask with cool water will be the feeling of tight skin on your face.


To gradually reduce an infraorbital hernia, you can use a reliable folk remedy. Mix pork fat (internal) with camphor in equal proportions. To obtain a homogeneous mass, the mixture is steamed in a water bath. After cooling the home remedy, apply it to the areas around the organ of vision overnight.

Infusions of medicinal herbs are often used to prepare lotions. Herbal raw materials (chamomile, arnica, eyebright, sage, etc.) are brewed in the traditional way. After infusion, cotton pads are dipped into the warm solution and covered with swollen eyelids.

How to slow down skin aging with exercise

Help in getting rid of a hernia on the face will be provided by special exercises that tighten the facial muscles. How to perform simple gymnastics:

  1. Having closed your eyes tightly, open your eyes as wide as possible, but you should not wrinkle your forehead;
  2. move your eyeballs intensively, first from left to right, then up and down, but you cannot raise your eyebrows;
  3. Rotate your eyes in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other, without moving your head.

This was preparation for the main exercise, which should be repeated five times. Blink frequently for 10 seconds and close your eyes without straining your facial muscles. After opening your eyelids after a few seconds, turn your gaze into the distance, fixing it on some distant object, but you should not strain your eyesight.

Simple gymnastics can be performed in any convenient place, which will prevent the formation of a hernia along with avoiding drinking too much before bed. However, the appearance of fatty deposits under the eyes is not without reason, so the pathology requires diagnosis and treatment.


My greetings to everyone! Accumulations of fat under the eyes are not dangerous to health, but they significantly spoil your appearance. Is it possible to get rid of them? Yes, let's together choose an effective way to remove hernias under the eyes.

Ways to get rid of defects in appearance


What do people call hernias? They don't have very pleasant names - bags! Who wants to wear bags under their eyes? It's good that there are many ways to get rid of this scourge. A hernia is nothing more than fatty tissue formed under the folds of skin.

Why do such unsightly deposits appear? Puffiness under the eyes appears from poor diet, lack of sleep, smoking, and alcohol abuse. But these reasons are the most visible, but there are other reasons:

  1. Serious problem with the health of the kidneys and bladder.
  2. Food allergies.
  3. Pathology of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system.
  4. Adenoviral infection.
  5. Compressed state of the superior vena cava.
  6. Diseases of the heart, blood channels.
  7. Sinusitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva.

In all these cases, serious treatment is required. If there are no pathologies, then you can look for treatment methods to avoid surgery.

Traditional methods


As soon as you notice the appearance of bags under your eyes, do not expect significant stretching of the tissue, but begin treatment with traditional methods. Believe me, this is a very effective technique, but it all depends on your patience, because all procedures must be carried out regularly and for a long time. But significant muscle strains cannot be treated without blepharoplasty.

At home, it is possible to cope with this problem, but the first results may appear after 3-4 weeks from the first manipulation.

Try water treatments first. Wash your face alternately with warm and cold water; the washing process should be completed with cold water. You need to drink more, because water will flush out excess salt from the body - the cause of edema.

Ice cubes are an excellent anti-edema technique. How to reduce bags with ice cubes?

Freeze herbal decoctions and wipe the problem area around the eyes with them daily. Tested in practice - oak bark infusion has a tightening effect.

Take 1 teaspoon of dried bark, pour a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Then pour the infusion into molds and place in the freezer.

Other folk remedies have a beneficial effect.


  1. Place fresh cucumber slices on your eyes.
  2. Make potato masks. Grate the potatoes, wrap the mixture in gauze, and place under your eyes for 15 minutes. When preparing mashed potatoes, also wrap the cooled mashed potatoes in cheesecloth, then place them under your eyes. These are the most effective remedies for bags.
  3. Excellent egg white mask. Beat the egg white into a thick foam, add 2-3 drops of an astringent - liquid witch hazel extract - into it. It can perfectly tighten thin skin. Apply the mask with a soft sponge and wash off after the protein mass has completely dried.
  4. Strawberries, aloe leaf juice and tea bags will help reduce swelling. Cut the strawberries into slices and immediately apply to the eyes for 5-10 minutes, cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and apply to the problem area. A simple tea bag mask gives the most positive results. Apply the sachets directly from the cup to the desired areas.
  5. An effective method is to apply mashed parsley leaves, which also have a tightening effect.

You cannot cope with this problem without massage and gymnastics.

Massage daily with the pads of your fingers from the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid and from the outer corner of the eye along the lower. For the best effect, don't forget to apply eye cream. The duration of the massage is at least 3-5 minutes.

Cold spoons will help tighten the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation. Place the spoons in the refrigerator, then apply them to the areas that need tightening. If you dip them in cold herbal infusions, the result will be even more noticeable. The reviews from these procedures are the most enthusiastic!

From personal experience

Gymnastics for the eye muscles gives amazing results. Do it twice a day and you will soon see it. Exercises can be done during commercials while watching TV shows, before bed and in the morning after sleep. Do gymnastics regularly and you will definitely do without surgery.

  1. Move your eyes from left to right, then up and down, without raising your eyebrows.
  2. Close your eyes, count to 25, and then open them sharply, while making sure that no wrinkles form on your forehead. Do it 10 times.
  3. A very effective exercise is circular rotation of the eyes, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Along the way, you will improve your vision and memory by massaging the internal systems of the head.
  1. Blink your eyes quickly and then open them wide. Alternating load and relaxation will also help get rid of the defect.

Anti-puffiness cosmetics


IN In stores you can find a lot of cosmetics for bags under the eyes. But you shouldn’t immediately give away money without studying its composition. Hernia cream should contain:

  1. elastin,
  2. tea tree oil,
  3. heparin,
  4. collagen,
  5. medicinal plants,
  6. vitamin E,
  7. menthol,
  8. horse chestnut,
  9. troxyrutin,
  10. hyaluronic acid.

The last component is especially important. It is the acid that makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Patches can quickly remove swelling, especially in the morning, but they will not be able to rid you of this defect forever. The patches should be soaked in aloe vera, green tea, and camellia products. Their effect lasts only 12 hours.

How to get rid of swelling with a patch? Just stick it on your lower eyelid. This drug will saturate your skin with all useful substances and give it elasticity. But you should not use them very often, so as not to contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

The gel or ointment must have draining properties, as well as normalizing blood microcirculation.

Pay attention to professional cosmetics from Vichy. Vichy Aqualia Thermal gel contains hyaluronic acid. In addition, the tube is equipped with a roller. A roller for under-eye bags is an excellent invention that does not stretch the skin and makes it easier to apply cosmetics.

Modern methods of hernia removal


What to do if the problem has gone too far? Cosmetologists suggest turning to hardware procedures, such as microcurrent treatment. Low voltage currents destroy fat cells, normalize exchange between cells, and improve tissue lymphatic drainage.

Thermolifting, when, with the help of radio waves, collagen and elastin are produced in the skin. Thanks to this procedure, the epidermis becomes elastic, tightened, and the growth of the fat layer stops.

Removing fat accumulation ultrasound considered the shortest procedure. One session is enough to reduce the accumulation of fat in one place. It will be distributed over the entire surface, causing swelling under the eyes to become almost invisible.

Laser also came to the aid of cosmetologists. By acting on hernias with a laser, they are rapidly reduced.

Injection therapy


With the help of injections, the body starts the natural production of elastane, collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. The injections are well tolerated by all patients.

Many women prefer plasma liftingwhen injections are made with the patient's own plasma. Biomaterial is obtained from blood and infused into the desired areas of the face.

Mesotherapy – vitamins and other useful components are injected into the infraorbital area. Microneedling therapy instructs skin cells to produce their own collagen and elastin.

If the above remedies do not help, then surgery will help. Among the radical methods of combating this defect in appearance, the best is considered blepharoplasty. Many people who have experienced this method claim that fat deposits are removed quickly, almost painlessly. After surgery, to prevent swelling, it is necessary to do the above-described gymnastics.

Blepharoplasty is considered the only method by which hernias are removed completely and permanently.

See what women look like after getting rid of swelling.

Inventions for solving problems with the lower eyelid

New technologies are designed to save people from lower eyelid defects, which spoil their mood and life.

Contour plastic. If the epidermis of the lower eyelid is very stretched, then this new procedure will help.

Chemical peeling – forced renewal of the upper layer of the skin.

Mesothreads – comprehensive facelift using special corrective threads. Subsequently, the threads dissolve.

Do not forget that each manipulation has its own contraindications and side effects, which you should ask your doctor about.

What to do to avoid surgery


The answer is clear: prevention is needed.

  1. Get a good night's sleep.
  2. Establish proper nutrition.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Drink less carbonated drinks.
  5. Avoid tanning beds and excessive sun exposure.
  6. Eat less salt.
  7. Monitor your health.

How much does the operation cost?

This question worries every woman who dares to undergo one of these procedures. The price depends on the complexity of the manipulation, the condition of the skin, and the amount of swelling. The cost starts to rise from 1900 rubles. See prices below.

  1. Lower traditional blepharoplasty - 47,700 rubles.
  2. Fat-sparing blepharoplasty percutaneously - 54,700 rubles.
  3. Lower fat-preserving blepharoplasty transconjunctivally - 56,900 rubles.
  4. Vacuum roller facial massage (lymphatic drainage) - 1,900 rubles.
  5. Fractional rejuvenation of the periorbital zone (laser resurfacing) - 7,100 rubles.
  6. Thermolifting of the upper or lower eyelids - 10,500 rubles.

Dear friends, to avoid surgery, follow simple procedures - eye exercises, massage and apply masks. You will see that it really helps.